- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 127th Cabinet session
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Press release from 127th Cabinet session
Published on: Jun 28, 2019 • 2:11 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (27 June 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed Draft Law Amending the Law on Road Traffic Safety.
The Cabinet also passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Taking and Transplantation of Human Organs for the Purpose of Treatment.
Today's meeting passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Personal Income Tax, which stipulates that personal income tax on natural persons is not paid on the revenues from sports activities and revenues from copyright and related rights, patents and trademarks and independent cultural experts. Therefore, young, promising and top athletes are encouraged to continue developing in the field of sports, and artists with the highest creative references are respected in a specific way. Defined legal solutions do not create new obligations for taxpayers, but regulates revenues and expenditures of the separate types of income, which has been subject to taxation in the current law.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on activities on implementation of the project of intensive revitalisation of the electricity distribution network, which contains data on the first intensive revitalisation of low voltage and medium voltage electromechanics after several decades, which should enabled all citizens, i.e., households and companies in Montenegro, especially in the northern region, to be provided with high-quality and reliable electricity supply without price increases.
Prime Minister Duško Markovic initiated the first programme of revitalisation of the low-voltage network, worth more than 80 million euros. Having had numerous contacts with citizens and business people, especially in the northern region, he found that high-quality electricity supply is an increasing problem for both the economy and the citizens.
The Government adopted the Transport Development Strategy of Montenegro 2019-2035 and Information on the activities in the implementation of the Bar-Boljare motorway project.
At today's session, the Cabinet adopted the Information on the activities and projects realised through the system of indirect and decentralised management of IPA funds with an overview of key activities in the II quarter of 2019. The document covers the main activities in the previous quarter that may have an impact on the efficiency of using pre-accession support funds. Based on the activities of the relevant institutions for individual IPA programmes, a comprehensive overview of the situation is presented, and special attention is paid to the key risks to the system, which need to be addressed in the upcoming period. In that regard, a number of conclusions were adopted that precisely determine the necessary actions of the competent institutions, with the final goal of timely completion of the planned projects.
For the purpose of further harmonisation with the regulations of the European Union, the Cabinet passed the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Food Aromas that can be used in and on food.
The Government adopted the National Plan for Exploitation of Mineral Resources for the period 2019 - 2028. Presenting this document, it was emphasised that it came as a result of a strong commitment of the Government to responsibly, thoughtfully and comprehensively consider the potentials of mineral resources and directions of action in the exploitation of mineral raw materials and mining as a branch which, with an appropriate balance in relation to others development branches of the economy and respecting the principles of sustainability, can significantly contribute to the overall development of Montenegro.
In accordance with the Programme of Montenegro's accession to the European Union for the period 2019-2020, the Cabinet adopted the Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Montenegro for the period 2019-2021.
The Government adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro 2014-2020 for 2018. Presenting the Report, it was pointed out that in relation to the planned funds in 2018, the level of realisation of the Plan is 94%. In the previous year, a total of 751,053,099 euros was invested in the realisation of 552 development projects, programmes and activities.
Today's session also adopted the Information on environment for 2018, which presents the assessment of the state of the environment within the following segments: air, climate change, water, marine ecosystem, land; waste management, biodiversity, noise, radioactivity and chemical monitoring. In addition, this document also defines the recommendations in the planning of environmental policy on an annual basis.
The Government adopted the Report on the implementation of the activities envisaged by the plan for the preparation of the 2019 summer tourist season. The discussion emphasised that the largest number of activities were successfully realised or are being realised in accordance with the planned dynamics.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the realisation and effects of policies in the field of entrepreneurship and business for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2019, which includes an overview of measures, activities and effects in the direction of stimulating entrepreneurship and business, with special emphasis on the financial measures that they have aimed at creating new jobs, supporting young people, women in business and reducing regional differences.
The Government adopted the Report on the work of the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro A.D. for 2018 with financial statements and the Independent Auditor's Report for 2018 and the proposed decisions. It was noted that Fund achieved notable results in 2018. With a total realisation of EUR 209.4 million, the plan was exceeded by almost 50%. The growth was achieved by comparing the realization for the previous two years, by 19 percent compared to 2017 and even 63 percent compared to 2016. Approved placements are intended for opening new companies, improving the competitiveness and liquidity of business entities, improving export-oriented production and services, and reducing import dependency, project financing, with the aim of creating new jobs through continuous support and encouraging an accelerated, even-timed economic development of Montenegro.
The Cabinet got acquainted with the Information about the situation in the Kotor municipality and the new circumstances that the majority councilors in the assembly of the municipality voted mistrust to the current president of the municipal assembly and appointed the acting president until the election of the new president of the municipal assembly. The Government will continue to monitor developments in order to enable the exercise of the rights of citizens to local government and accordingly undertake activities.
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