- Government of Montenegro
Secretariat for Development Projects signs contrac...
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Secretariat for Development Projects signs contract and issues license for agents for international due diligence assessment
Published on: Jul 1, 2019 • 11:00 PM Author: PR Service
Secretariat for Development Projects was designated under the Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the selection of persons who may acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission for the purpose of implementation of special investment programme of special importance for the business and economic interests of Montenegro (“Official Gazette of Montenegro“, No. 79/18) as the competent authority for the implementation of the Development Programme for Acquisition of Montenegrin Citizenship by Admission for Investment Purposes.
Pursuant to the above Decision, the Secretariat for Development Projects announced on 4 March 2019 the public call for selection of agents for international due diligence assessment for the purpose of implementation of a special investment programme of special importance for the business and economic interests of Montenegro, as well as the change of the public call on 15 March 2019, while the public opening of applications took place on 8 April 2019.
Based on the submitted applications, the Secretariat for Development Projects evaluated the following applications as correct:
- S-RM Intelligence and Risk Consulting LTD, UK
Pursuant to the Decision, the Secretariat had prepared the Draft Contracts on the provision of services for agents for international due diligence assessment in the implementation of a special investment programme of particular importance for the business and economic interest of Montenegro, which the Government of Montenegro accepted and authorised Dejan Medojević, Secretary of the Secretariat for Development Projects of the Government, to sign the contracts.
Contract with S-RM Intelligence and Risk Consulting LTD, UK has been signed today, after which the Secretariat issued the license for agents for international due diligence assessment.
The contract with the EXIGER CANADA INC, CANADA will be signed in the following days.
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