- Government of Montenegro
Interior Minister Nuhodžić: Montenegro is determin...
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Interior Minister Nuhodžić: Montenegro is determined to prevent illegal weapons from ending in hands of criminals, terrorists
Published on: Jul 4, 2019 • 11:15 PM Author: PR Service
Poznan, Poland (4 July 2019) -- Interior Minister Mevludin Nuhodžić told earlier today in Poznan that Montenegro is a reliable partner in the fight against all forms of transnational crime and is determined to prevent illegal weapons and ammunition from ending in the hands of criminals or terrorists.
"Montenegro has been making significant efforts in the implementation of all seven goals set out in the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking firearms and ammunition in the Western Balkans, which contributes to the improvement of citizens' safety, as well as to greater security of the region and Europe as a whole,"said Minister Nuhodžić at a meeting attended by ministers of the interior of the Western Balkans and the European Union, representatives of the European Commission and international organisation.
Minister Nuhodžić stated that the activities of Montenegro's Interor Ministry in the previous period were aimed at harmonising the strategic and normative framework with EU standards, strengthening human and technical capacities, improving the infrastructure for the safe storage of weapons, ammunition and explosives, destroying their surpluses, and continuously carrying out the procedure of voluntary surrender of weapons.
"In 2018, the Montenegrin police filed 295 criminal charges against 319 persons and seized 1007 pieces of various types of firearms, over 108 kilograms of explosives and 18,782 pieces of ammunition of different caliber. Over the past 5 years, through the "Respect life, surrender weapons!" campaign, which has been implemented in cooperation with international organisations and the civil sector, about 6,000 pieces of firearms and its parts and nearly 90,000 pieces of ammunition of different caliber were destroyed," Minister Nuhodžić stated.
He emphasised that the competent institutions of Montenegro are willing, in cooperation and coordination with the partner services, through the exchange of criminal intelligence data, to contribute to a joint regional response to the problem of illegal possession and smuggling of firearms.
"Strengthening the capacity to fight arms trade simultaneously strengthens the capacity to fight organised crime, terrorism and violent extremism more efficiently - and this is our common goal," concluded Minister Nuhodžić at a meeting held on the eve of the 6th Summit of the Western Balkan leaders.
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