- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 128th Cabinet session
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Press release from 128th Cabinet session
Published on: Jul 5, 2019 • 2:06 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (4 July 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Consumer Protection.
Considering the Draft Report on the Implementation of the Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2018-2020 for the period from 1 January to 31 March 2019 and the Draft Decision on severance pay in the event of a consensual termination of the employment of public sector employees, the Government issued an order that, as soon as possible, one of the next sessions will prepare a comprehensive programme of public administration optimisation with the expeditious adoption of an appropriate decision on severance pay. The Government adopted a working conclusion that the moratorium on employment in the state administration will be extended until 31 December 2019.
The Government also passed the Minority Policy Strategy 2019 - 2023.
Today's session also approved the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Defence Strategy of Montenegro 2019-2022. This document sets out strategic and operational goals that represent a combination of defensive interests and responses to challenges, risks and threats, and whose implementation, through defined measures and activities, is a priority in the implementation of the Strategy.
As part of the implementation of the EU acquis in the field of energy, the Government adopted the Regulation on the conditions for connecting the electricity producer to the transmission and distribution network. The Regulation establishes the legal framework for connecting the producers to the transmission and distribution network, with the prescribed technical rules and standards applied in the European Union, in order to ensure the safety of the operation of electricity systems, as well as equal market conditions.
The Cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Development Directions of Montenegro from 2018 to 2021 in 2018, setting out the start-up goal of Montenegro's development - increasing the quality of life of citizens. The report contains an overview of the implementation of measures and projects, as well as their impact on the achievement of the set objectives, within each policy individually. In addition, this document covers the total investments, according to sources of financing, which, with quarterly updates, represent a good basis for creating and managing development and economic policy.
Today's session adopted the Analysis of the status of electronic services. The analysis also identified key barriers, as well as a proposal for measures to overcome them. Mapping business processes in institutions, identifying software tools and technologies that are available, and creating internal procedures that will enable efficient monitoring and processing of all requests in electronic form, primarily on the eGovernment portal where the largest number of services operates, are just some of the measures taken into account for the digitalisation process in the area of service provision.
The conclusions the Government adopted on this occasion aim to further improve the development of electronic services. The material gives a brief overview of the implementation, as well as a proposal of new measures whose implementation will begin immediately after the adoption of the analysis, in accordance with the priorities and assumptions for implementation.
The Government adopted the Information on the loan arrangement between the European Investment Bank and the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro (IRF) for financing small and medium-sized enterprises and priority projects IV-B and gave its approval to the Financing Agreement. The discussion states that the cooperation between the European Investment Bank and the Investment and Development Fund has been in progress since 2012, while the value of all contracts so far amounts to EUR 220 million.
Due to the expansion of the credit activity of the Fund and the dynamic development of the Montenegrin economy, the IRF and the EIB signed the fourth financial framework in 2018, which includes two loan arrangements - contracts totaling 150 million. Euro. First credit arrangement in the amount of EUR 100 million was realised, and at today's session the Government gave its consent to another contract, the value of which is EUR 50 million. The agreement stipulates, inter alia, that at least 70 percent of the funds will be allocated to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as the backbone of the development of the economy, while a maximum of 30 percent of the funds will be intended for medium-sized enterprises and infrastructure projects.
The Government adopted the Information on the project "Improving the efficiency of the judiciary" with the Draft Annex of the agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the United Nations Development Programme. The information system of the judiciary was recognized as a system of special importance for the Montenegrin society and the progress of Montenegro on its path to EU integration.
Judicial Reform Strategy of Montenegro for the period 2014-2018 and the Action Plan for Chapter 23 define a number of measures aimed at strengthening the judiciary and the rule of law, including the obligation to improve the information system of the judiciary in order to provide high-quality statistics in the judiciary and to keep records prescribed by law. The total budget approved by donors for this project is 790,000 EUR, while the lack of funds for the project in the amount of EUR 535,600 was co-financed by the Government through a contract with UNDP, in accordance with the signed Agreement.
The Cabinet adopted the Collaborative Innovation Programme 2019-2024.
In accordance with the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Buildings, the Government gave its consent to conduct preparatory works for the construction of a complex engineering facility - a water supply system for the Bar - Boljare motorway, the Smokovac - Mateševo section. In accordance with Annex 4 of the Contract on the Design and Construction of the Bar-Boljare Motorway, the Smokovac-Mateševo section, signed on 10 May 2019, works on the construction of the water supply system are being carried out by the China Road and Bridge Corporation.
Also, the Government gave its consent to carry out preparatory works for the construction of a complex engineering facility - the reconstruction of the regional road R-23 Cerovo-Spuž, the Spuž-Rogami section. The project included reconstruction of the road in the length of about 5 km, and the Decision on the selection of the most favourable bid selected the Podgorica-based company "Bemax" d.o.o. Podgorica as the contractor.
The Government adopted the Information on the organisation of the Sea Dance music festival in Budva from 30 August to 1 September 2019 and approved the Cooperation Agreement. The Government has allocated 300,000 euros in order to cover the costs of preparatory activities and the realisation of the festival.
At the proposal of the Ministry of Culture, the Government adopted decisions on granting the status of "prominent cultural creator" to Krsto Andrijašević, a sculptor from Nikšić and prof. Dr. Adnan Čirgić, professor at the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature.
The Government accepted the Oral Information on the undertaken activities for the protection of the Ulcinj Salt Works.
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