- Government of Montenegro
Good dynamics of fulfiling commitments from Progra...
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Good dynamics of fulfiling commitments from Programme on Accession to EU
Published on: Jul 19, 2019 • 12:05 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (18 July 2019) -- During the first half of the year, out of 134 commitments planned by the EU Accession Programme, Montenegro fulfiled 95 commitments, that is, more than 70%, while the expected realisation of final regulations in the next few weeks will significantly increase the overall level of commitments, Deputy Chief Negotiator Marko Mrdak told the press following Cabinet session.
At today's session, the Government passed the Report on the implementation of the Programme on Accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2019-2020, for the first half of 2019.
"Out of 134 planned commitments, 95 (71%) were fulfilled, out of 84 planned laws and by-laws 52 (62%) were implemented, while out of 50 planned strategic documents, 43 (86%) were fulfilled ," Mr Mrdak said.
Today's Cabinet meeting also adopted the Information on the Collegium for Negotiations' guidelines for the further functioning of the negotiating structure, defined at the 22nd session of the Collegium, with a view to intensifying the dynamics of the negotiating process and achieving better results in the continuation of the EU accession process.
In addition to agreeing that meetings of the Negotiating Group, Rule of Law Council and the Collegium for Negotiations with the EU will take place once a month, and that meetings of all working groups will take place by 15 July, it was agreed that periodic meetings of line ministers with non-governmental organisations that are members of working groups should be organised.
"In this way, not only do we want to formally boost the system of cooperation with civil society organisations, but essentially find a mechanism for improving all public policies and the use of all knowledge in our society. We can say that the Government has defined the most intensive and most dynamic a plan of work in the coming period, focusing on all of its expert capacities and consulting the political level," Deputy Chief Negotiator Mrdak concluded.
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