- Government of Montenegro
FM Darmanović in Washington: Protection and promot...
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FM Darmanović in Washington: Protection and promotion of religious freedom are core of Montenegro’s multi–ethnic, multi–religious society
Published on: Jul 19, 2019 • 12:17 AM Author: PR Service
Washington D. C., the United States (18 July 2019) -- Earlier today in Washington, D.C., Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović took part in the Ministerial Conference to Advance Religious Freedom, taking place under the auspices of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Minister Darmanović emphasised that all the entities of the international community should make further efforts in order to address the sources of violent extremism and terrorism without connection to any religion, nationality or ethnic group.
"Protection and promotion of religious freedom are at the core of Montenegro’s society of multi – ethnic and multi –religious character and our commitment to peace and security in the Western Balkans," Minister Darmanović stressed, referring to Montenegro’s readiness to actively affirm all the initiatives that aim to raise the awareness of the human rights significance, respect of religious diversity and promotion of inter–religious dialogue.
Minister Darmanović recalled that the Government of Montenegro in May this year passed the Draft Law on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Legal Status of Religious Communities, confirming the commitment of the Government to fulfil the constitutional obligation by defining the issues of freedom of religion in line with the highest international standards in this area.
He pointed out that the Venice Commission in its opinion endorsed the Government’s key commitment to make this law guarantee the freedom to every Montenegro’s citizen to practice or not any religion, affirming at the same time the country's right to protect property and cultural treasure that belongs to all of the citizens and to provide that the laws of Montenegro are equally applicable to all on the whole territory of the country.
The United States attaches special significance to the issue of religious freedom, which is confirmed by the State Department's periodic reports on religious freedom that have an impact on the US foreign policy towards individual states.
The Conference also discussed the challenges facing the most important entities in the area of religious freedom and identified concrete ways to prevent the persecution of and discrimination against members of various religious communities and gave further incentive to the greater respect for religious freedom.
Vice President of the United States Mike Pence also spoke at the Ministerial Conference to Advance Religious Freedom.
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