- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 131st Cabinet session
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Press release from 131st Cabinet session
Published on: Jul 26, 2019 • 3:11 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (25 July 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Concession Act for awarding concession for the Airports of Montenegro, with the Draft Concession Agreement and the Report from the public debate and tasked the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs to undertake activities in the shortest possible in order to invite a public tender for granting concessions for the Airports of Montenegro.
With the aim of strengthening the competitive positioning of our airports and thus helping further accelerated development of Montenegro as a high-quality tourist destination, increasing the quality of services and improving the operational efficiency of the airports in accordance with the best international practices, the Government decided to grant a 30-year concession for the airports in Podgorica and Tivat. The subject of the concession is the further construction, reconstruction, modernisation, maintenance and use of the airport.
The Prime Minister, concluding the discussion on this item of the agenda, noted that with this decision, the Government does not sell the airports, but it awards a concession for them, after which, with the large concessionaires' investments, the airports will be in the hands of future generations. Minister of Transport and Marine Affairs Osman Nurković explained that the expected investment is at least EUR 80 million during the first investment phase, which will last for three years, and at least EUR 200 million during the entire duration of the concession.
The Government adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2018-2020, for the period from 1 January to 31 March 2019. The discussion, stressed the previous monitoring and reporting showed that the implementation of the Plan of Optimisation has a positive impact on the slowdown in the trend of employment growth in public administration, and that it did not negatively reflect on the overall growth of employment. The realisation of the Plan was the result of the so-called. the effect of labour outsourcing on the labour market in favour of the private sector. At the end of the discussion, it was concluded that a positive effect was achieved in terms of stronger control of employment in public administration, and the competent institutions are obliged to continue with the implementation of activities for further realisation of the Plan.
The Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Legalisation of Public Documents in International Traffic. This document details the procedure for the legalisation of domestic and foreign public documents and additionally improves the legal certainty in the field of legalisation of public documents, both intended for use abroad and those issued by the competent authorities of the foreign country, to be used in Montenegro .
The Government passed the Draft Law amending the Law on Health Insurance.
For the purpose of extending the list of users and legal - technical corrections, the Cabinet passed the Regulation on the realisation and procedure of using funds from the Instrument for Pre - Accession Assistance of the European Union (IPARD II programme). When presenting this item of the agenda, it was emphasised that the entry into force of the regulation fulfills the last condition for inviting public tenders, which will put EUR 20,000,000 at the disposal to the Montenegrin farmers in 2019.
The Cabinet passed the Draft Decision amending the State Study of the Location "Arsenal" Tivat.
The Government gave its approval for the sale of real estate in the Municipality of Bar, owned by the State of Montenegro for the construction of exclusive tourism facilities, namely 5-star hotels.
On the basis of the Law on Roads, the Government gave its consent to the Draft Decision on fees for the use of municipal roads in the territory of the Municipality of Tuzi.
In line with the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Facilities, the Government gave its approval to the City of Podgorica for conducting preparatory works for the construction of a complex engineering facility for the construction of the second section on the route of the bypass with the bridge over the Morača River in the spatial planning plan of the Capital of Podgorica. The planned construction of the bridge on the Morača River is the second phase of construction of the southwest bypass, which is designed to support transit and inland traffic in the capital.
The Government got acquainted with the Information on the status of the adoption of bylaws arising from the Law on Administrative Fees and the Law on Local Communal Taxes. Bearing in mind that the new laws prescribe the obligation of local self-governments to issue by-laws by 31 July this year, but so far only nine municipalities have submitted proposals for decisions, the Government recommended to local governments to fulfill this legal obligation as soon as possible.
Today's session adopted the Decision on the establishment of the operational body for the implementation of the Strategy for informing the public on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union in 2019-2022. The basis for the adoption of the Decision is a new strategic document, which implementation will contribute to better providing information and understanding of the process of European integration to citizens and providing further support to the process of accession of Montenegro to the EU. On the day this Decision enters into force, the Decision on the establishment of the Operational Body for the implementation of the Strategy for informing the public on Montenegro's Accession to the European Union 2014-2018 shall cease to apply.
The Government approved the Statute of the Scientific and Technological Park of Montenegro. The Science and Technology Park of Montenegro was founded as a multi-member company, in order to encourage and connect innovative, scientific, entrepreneurial and economic capacities in Montenegro and general economic development of Montenegro.
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