- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 133rd Cabinet session
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Press release from 133rd Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 6, 2019 • 1:34 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (5 September 2019) -- At its today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Public Sector Accounting, which regulates the manner and organisation of public sector accounting in order to better manage public finances, reporting and other issues of importance in this area.
The Cabinet also adopted the Information on the construction of a training range for the needs of the Montenegrin Armed Forces in Sinjajevina mountain. The discussion emphasised that, despite the politicisation of the topic, the local population expressed its full support for this project, as well as all other projects involving the Montenegrin Army. The Government has shown full determination in implementing this project, as well as other projects that are of interest to the national security of Montenegro and the safety of all citizens.
The Government adopted the Report on the procedure for granting a concession on the basis of an energy permit for the construction of a small hydro power plant "Skrbuša" on a part of the Skrbuša watercourse, adopted the Decision on the award of a concession, adopted a concession contract on the basis of an energy permit for the construction of a small hydro power plant "Skrbuša" and authorised Dragica Sekulić, Minister of Economy, to sign on behalf of the Government of Montenegro a contract with the company Hydro Logistics doo Podgorica. In accordance with the Law, in 2017, the Ministry of Economy issued the Decision granting this company an energy permit for the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant with an installed capacity of 900 kW and an estimated annual production of 3.43 GWh on the part of the Skrbuša watercourse in the Municipalityof Kolašin.
Also, the Government adopted the Report on the procedure for granting a concession on the basis of an energy permit for the construction of a small hydro power plant "Bare Kraljske" on a part of the Vranještica watercourse, adopted the Decision on concession award, accepted the Concession Agreement and authorised the Minister of Economy to sign on behalf of the Government of Montenegro a contract with “PM Hydra” doo Podgorica. Under a decision of the Ministry of Economy of 2017, that company was issued an energy permit for the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant with an installed capacity of 995 kW and an estimated annual production of 3.35 GWh, on the part of the Vranještica watercourse in the Municipality of Kolašin.
The discussion regarding these two items of the agenda highlighted that the whole procedure was carried out in accordance with the legal procedure foreseen for the construction of energy facilities for the production of electricity with installed power up to 1 MW.
The Government adopted the Information on negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) regarding the conclusion of a loan agreement for additional financing of the Public Revenues Administration Reform Project. The Government came to a conclusion to accept the proposed contracts. Conditions for the conclusion of an annex or an additional contract for financing the Public Revenues Administration Reform Project are provided under the Law amending the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2019. The loan arrangement, totaling EUR 4.8 million, will be signed for a period of 24.5 years, which will include a 4.5 year grace period, with a Eurbor interest rate plus a fixed interest margin of 1.05% at the moment.
In order to maintain and further improve the quality of air navigation services, the Government adopted the Decision on the method of calculating the terminal fee for the use of air navigation services. This document defines the method of calculating the terminal charge, that is, determines the amount of the terminal fee unit at EUR 135 for aircrafts, which maximum certificated take-off mass is less than ten metric tons, or at EUR 260 for aircrafts, which maximum certificated take-off mass is ten or more metric tons.
Today’s session adopted the Information on the increased risk of a particularly dangerous infectious disease of African swine fever in Montenegro. In order to prevent and combat this disease, which has never been recorded on the territory of our country, the Government tasked the competent institutions to take a number of measures for timely and effective action.
The Government appointed former Head of the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to NATO Dragana Radulović Advisor to the Prime Minister for Foreign and Security Policy. Selim Lika, former Director General of the Directorate General for Consular Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was appointed Consul General of Montenegro in Istanbul. Željko Šofranac was appointed Business Director of the Public Music Centre of Montenegro.
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