- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Professor Nick Goldman from European Bioinformatic...
Professor Nick Goldman from European Bioinformatics Institute gives lecture for students

Joint Head of Research at the European Bioinformatics Institute Dr Nick Goldman has paid a working visit to Montenegro this week. As part of the visit programme, a meeting was held with Dr. Goldman at the Ministry of Science. On that occasion, views were exchanged regarding the promotion and diversification of cooperation with EMBL, as well on the manner in which our academic community could benefit from membership in this renowned organisation the most. In addition to Đurđina Bulatović, MSc, the Head of Cabinet in the Ministry of Science, the meeting was also attended by Dr. Danilo Mrdak, Professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Montenegro, and Dr. Predrag Miranović, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
The representative of the Ministry of Science familiarised Dr. Goldman with the work of the Ministry, as well as with the goals and actions to be implemented in the coming period, expressing satisfaction with his visit. Dr. Goldman presented new forms of cooperation for the coming period in various segments related to this area.
Furthermore, numerous activities implemented by Montenegro in cooperation with EMBL were presented. One of them is the Molecular Biology Summer School, which will be organised in Kotor next week by the Ministry of Science, in cooperation with the EMBL and the Institute of Marine Biology.
After the meetings, Dr. Goldman gave a lecture at the Biology Department on the possibilities and potential of using DNA molecules as a medium for digital data storage. At the end of his lecture, Dr. Goldman took the opportunity to invite the members of the academic community present to use the opportunities arising from EMBL membership, as well as to utilise formal channels for applying but also to personally contact the research team leaders regarding their interests and ideas about future research projects.
The visit of Dr. Goldman is taking place as part of the cooperation of Montenegro with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), based on the full membership of the country in the organisation.