- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 134th Cabinet session
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Press release from 134th Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 13, 2019 • 1:51 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica Montenegro (12 September 2019) -- At today’s session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Judicial Reform Strategy 2019-2022, with the Proposal of the Action Plan for the Strategy Implementation (for the period 2019-2020). By passing these acts, the Government continues with the implementation of the reform priorities identified in the negotiation process for Chapter 23, through defined operational objectives: strengthening the independence, impartiality and accountability of the judiciary; strengthening the efficiency of the judiciary; the Montenegrin judiciary as part of the European judiciary; strengthening access, transparency and public confidence in the judiciary; as well as the development of the Ministry of Justice, the Training Centre, the Bar, the notaries, the bailiffs and the court experts.
The Government reached a decision to amend the composition of the Montenegrin Commission for water management cooperation with Albania. State Secretary of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism Saša Radulović was appointed in place of the deceased member Mićko Radulović. Nataša Kovačević, Executive Director of the NGO Green Home, was appointed a member of the Commission.
Discussion on this item of the agenda stressed that the competent authorities of Albania did not respond in a timely, adequate or substantiated manner to Montenegro's requests for a statement on the possible transboundary impact of the small hydro power plant project on the Cijevna River in Albania. It was decided that Montenegro, while continuing to foster friendly and neighbourly relations as one of the foundations of its foreign policy, will additionally initiate all available mechanisms defined by international conventions, directives and protocols that are binding for all signatory states of these international acts and which clearly regulate international water management.
It was concluded that this topic will be updated at the forthcoming session of the Montenegro-Albania Interstate Commission for Water Management Cooperation , which is scheduled for 19 September.
The discussion highlighted Montenegro's commitment to complying with all standards in water management area, both in terms of potential construction of new energy capacities and the
valorisation of water resources belonging to Montenegro, which have been in the function of electricity production in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina for many years.
Today’s session adopted the Decision on the development of the Urban Project "Lepetani Tourist Zone", in Tivat Municipality. The urban project represents a planning basis for the utilisation of potentials, sustainable development, conservation, protection and improvement of the area. The restructuring of the existing military zone for tourism will provide better valorisation of the location, which future purpose and use must be in accordance with the needs of the city and its immediate environment. The programme tasks stipulates that this space is intended solely for tourist purposes, with a tourist complex, sports grounds and a smaller campsite.
The Government adopted the Decision on the elaboration of the Detailed Urban Plan "Pinješ - Pine Forest", in Ulcinj Municipality. The goal is to offer solutions that would create the preconditions for the construction of new capacities of exclusive tourism and tourist villas, as well as the maximum preservation and incorporation of vital and functional greenery in new urban solutions.
Furthermore, the Cabinet adopted the Decision on Detailed Urban Plan Hotels and Villas of High Category, Pinješ, Ulcinj Municipality. The plan also envisages a predominantly tourist purpose of the locaton, with planned solutions for the construction of high-category facilities.
The programme tasks require that the vision of spatial development within the scope of these planning documents follows the vision of development of the municipality of Ulcinj, on the principles of rational land use and sustainable development. Specific goals are the preservation and enhancement of the identity of the space - the preservation and sustainable use of cultural heritage, the recognition of landscape elements and values and the sustainable use of protected areas of nature.
Upon the proposal of the Privatisation Council, the Cabinet adopted the Decision amend the Privatisation Plan. Based on the Initiative of the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro (IDF), it is proposed to include in this year's Privatisation Plan the sale of 16.65%, or 748 shares of the joint stock company Kotor - projekt A.D. Kotor owned by IDF.
The Government approved the candidacy of the Boxing Federation of Montenegro for the organisation of the European Youth Championship 2020 in Montenegro.
The discussion emphasised that organising this competition is expected to contribute to the affirmation of both sport and further promotion of our country, as was the case with the successful organisation of previous international sports events.
Continuing with the practice initiated by Prime Minister Duško Marković at the beginning of his term of office, the Government allocated, from the Current Budget Reserve, EUR 6,000 to the family of Seada and Adis Čoković, EUR 2,000 for each of the three children born on 3 July.
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