Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Press release: Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets Russian Federation Minister for Emergencies Sergei Shoigu

Published on: Aug 9, 2006 12:00 AM Author: Naslovna strana
Prime Minister of the Republic of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic met in Sfeti Stefan today with the Russian Federations Minister for Emergencies, Sergei Shoigu, who is heading his countrys delegation on an official visit to Montenegro.

Minister Shoigu conveyed to the Prime Minister the Russian leaderships regards and congratulations for the successful referendum in Montenegro, communicating the readiness of the Russian Federation to strengthen bilateral relations and all-round cooperation with Montenegro. He pointed out a firm political and economic basis for bilateral cooperation between the two countries and deep historical links, which offered an optimistic perspective for the future of Russo-Montenegrin relations.

Having thanked the Russian Federation for prompt recognition of Montenegros independence, establishment of diplomatic relations and appointment of an interim head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Podgorica, the Prime Minister informed Minister Shoigu of the current developments in the Republic, following the achievement of independence and ahead of parliamentary and local elections scheduled for September this year. In addition, Prime Minister Djukanovic acquainted his guest with the economic situation in Montenegro, emphasizing that all key macroeconomic indicators had further improved this year. He also informed Minister Shoigu that the Governments priorities for the forthcoming period included more intensive efforts towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration and further development of relations with friendly countries, among which the Russian Federation occupied a prominent place.

In discussion, general satisfaction was expressed with the prevailing trend of strengthening political dialogue and bilateral cooperation. Note was taken of a growth of Russian investment in the economy, as well as good experiences with Russian investment partners and expansion of relations in the field of education, science and culture, giving a new modern quality to the already rich tradition. In the context of implementing Montenegros development plans, Russian partners were commended for their interest in making investment in capital facilities, particularly in the sectors of energy, road infrastructure, maritime and tourism industry.

An agreement was reached to make arrangements for the conclusion of a lease contract for Be-200, a state-of-the-art fire-fighting aircraft. The two sides agreed that a mixed intergovernmental Committee for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation should be established, creating a legal and organizational framework for promoting different forms of bilateral cooperation.

It was noted that Montenegros progress towards European integration, particularly towards the EU, as part of the European orientation of the wider region, could not pose an obstacle to intensifying all-round relations and cooperation between Montenegro and the Russian Federation, but rather an encouragement to develop modern relations and cooperation on an equal footing.

The Prime Minister gave credit to the Russian Federation for the results achieved in socio-economic reforms and economic development, as well as for its constructive role in international relations, fully demonstrated in the process of finalizing Montenegros state status.

It was agreed that the two countries had similar or identical views on a number of topical issues in international relations and cooperation, which constituted a good basis for cooperation on a wider international level.

Minister Shoigu presented the Prime Ministers chief advisor Milan Rocen with a decoration of the Russian Federations Ministry for Emergencies for his contribution through humanitarian work, organized in cooperation with the United Nations.
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