- Government of Montenegro
Good cooperation between Montenegro and Slovenia s...
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Good cooperation between Montenegro and Slovenia strengthened through cooperation within NATO
Published on: Sep 26, 2019 • 10:13 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (26 September 2019) -- Excellent interstate relations and good cooperation between Montenegro and Slovenia in all areas have been further strengthened by military and security cooperation within NATO, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin and Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Slovenia Karl Erjavec noted at today’s meeting in Podgorica.
DPM Pažin expressed appreciation for Slovenia's continued political and expert support for the achievement of key foreign policy goals of Montenegro, expecting Slovenia to continue to be one of the key advocates of enlargement policy within the European Union.
Speaking about NATO cooperation, DPM Pažin said that Montenegro's priority is to keep the Western Balkans and the Open-Door policy high on the Alliance's agenda, emphasising the importance of working together and cooperating with NATO members in that regard.
Both sides agreed that it is very important that the ratification of the Protocol on the Accession of North Macedonia to NATO is completed as quickly as possible, expressing full readiness of Montenegro and Slovenia to provide maximum assistance and support to North Macedonia in preparation for membership.
Deputy Prime Minister Erjavec, who is paying an official visit to Montenegro, commended the high-quality cooperation established by Slovenia and Montenegro, both in terms of bilateral relations, and international security and defence.
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