- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 136th Cabinet session
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Press release from 136th Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 27, 2019 • 12:53 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (26 September 2019) -- At today’s session today, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law amending the Law on the Protection of the Natural and Cultural - Historical Area of Kotor. The proposed amendments will contribute to a better preservation of the natural and cultural-historical area, the removal of potential business barriers and a more precise definition of the process of drafting the Individual Heritage Impact Assessment.
The Cabinet also passed the Draft Law amending the Law on Air Transport. In line with the recommendations of the European Commission Expert Report, which are responsible for determining the degree of implementation of EU legislation listed in Annex I of the ECAA Agreement, the Draft Law defines more precisely the rules relating to airport operators and aircraft operators in the free pricing of commercial air transport, and the transparent presentation of all items for the calculation of transport price, as well as prescribing an adequate penalty for non-compliance with the provisions which, in application, have been determined to be prescribed as misdemeanors.
On the basis of the Law on Academic Integrity, the Government passed the Decision appointing the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee is composed of seven members comprising prominent experts in higher education and science from different scientific disciplines.
The Government adopted the Analysis of the state of electronic services, with proposed measures to improve them. The Analysis reads that simplification of administrative procedures in the provision of administrative services and digitisation of public administration remains one of the most important priorities of the Government agenda. Accordingly, the Analysis enumerates the activities carried out in the 3rd quarter and presents the basic results of the research on the level of use of e-services and data on the number of applications submitted in the first three quarters of 2019, which show a positive trend in the use of e-services on the e-administration.
By the end of 2019, the Ministry of Public Affairs will be responsible, in cooperation with the Human Resources Administration, to organise training programmes for public administration employees for the application of e-commerce regulations necessary for the development of e-government. Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Administration are charged with continuing the implementation of activities to establish services for the enrollment of children in primary schools and pre-schools, in order for this service to be active on the e-Government portal in 2020. The Working Team will be responsible for, in accordance with the proposals from the Analysis of the state of e-services, to continue activities on the implementation of measures for improving the state of e-services.
Today’s session adopted the Information on the implementation of activities and projects implemented through the system of indirect and decentralised management of IPA funds, with an overview of key activities in the third quarter of 2019. The information covers the main activities that have taken place in the current quarter, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of using pre-accession support funds. Based on the activities carried out by the relevant IPA institutions for individual programmes, the Managing Directorate prepared a comprehensive overview and highlighted the key risks in the system that should be addressed in the coming period.
The Government adopted the Plan for the preparation of the winter tourist season for 2019/2020. The discussion emphasised that in the previous years the trend of early start and prolongation of the summer tourist season was realised, so that there is a clear progress towards achieving one of the strategic goals, to make Montenegro a year-round tourist destination. By the same token, linking the offer of the coastal region and the north, through a package of combined tourist stay with accompanying facilities, will result in better economic effects for the local community and the State.
The Cabinet also passed the Draft Amendments to the Local Study for the Location of the Regional Solid Waste Landfill "Čelinska kosa", Bijelo Polje Municipality. The programme defines that the goal of drafting the document is to offer, through the analysis of planned contents and according to development needs, solutions that would create preconditions for the construction of the Regional Solid Waste Landfill, as well as the construction of facilities for the harmless disposal of animal by-products.
Today's Cabinet session adopted the Information on business operations of majority state-owned companies within the competence of the Ministry of Economy. Most state-owned companies operating in the sectors of energy, mining, trade, postal services, broadcasting, ferrous metallurgy and garment manufacturing in 2018 ended with significantly better business results than the previous year. Total revenue amounts to EUR 545 million, which is an increase of 9.6%. The cumulative net profit was EUR 60.2 million. Compared to 2017, the overall performance of these companies is better by 44.2 million euros (383%), and it was 21.2 million euros (54.5%) higher than planned. Capital investments in the amount of EUR 71 million (34% more than in 2017), as well as dozens of development projects that were implemented or started last year, are a guarantee of continuity of development and stabilisation of the revenue growth trend that these companies are generating. It was emphasised that these companies have confirmed a high degree of social responsibility by devoting a total of EUR 660.000 to projects of public interest in the fields of health, education, culture, sports and construction of infrastructure of public interest.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2019-2024, for 2019 and 2020. With the development of the Smart Specialisation Strategy, Montenegro joined the European Union initiative to promote a new model of economic development at national or regional levels, based on targeted support for research and innovation activities. The strategy sets out development priorities that aim to build competitive advantage by linking our research and innovation strengths to the needs of the economy, responding coherently to growing opportunities and market development, avoiding overlapping and fragmentation of policies. The Action Plan defines specific activities whose implementation should address the problem of underutilisation of potential and comparative advantage of the country or region by stimulating innovation, as well as insufficient public and private investment in research, technological development and innovation.
The Government reached a decision to send humanitarian aid to Albania to eliminate the effects of last week's earthquake and the floods that followed the earthquake.
Expressing distinctive solidarity, and a particular sensibility towards friends and neighbours, the Government decided to send assistance to the Government of Albania, which includes, inter alia, tents, blankets, clothing, food and hygiene products.
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