- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Maritime Affairs Montenegro hosts the Transport Connectivity Forum
Montenegro hosts the Transport Connectivity Forum
The Transport
Connectivity Forum, one of the largest transport events to be organized in
Montenegro, was opened today at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica at the invitation
of the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro.
The Forum is endorsed
by the International Road Federation and supported by leading local
institutions, such as Monteput, the Chamber of Commerce and the University of
Montenegro. The event is a platform to discuss current and future trends in
transport, especially those relevant to the Western Balkans region. Its main objective is to encourage open
dialogue on transport connectivity, transport corridors, transport safety,
financing and implementation of infrastructure investments in the Western
Balkans region.During the Transport Connectivity Forum, a range of attendees including
professional and academic public, government representatives and decision
makers from the region and EU countries, non-governmental sector, as well as international
institution, will have the opportunity to participate in workshops focused on
road safety, the importance of delivering infrastructure investments and
public-private partnerships.
The Minister of
Transport and Maritime Affairs, Osman Nurkovic, said in his welcoming speech
that the fact that the International Roads Federation had recognized Montenegro
as a venue for this event was pleased.
“The idea of
establishing a common market in the Western Balkans is increasingly being
heard, and in that sense it is necessary to accelerate the trade exchange of
the region, which must be accompanied by intensive development of transport
infrastructure and efficient and safe transport links, in order to make the region
more attractive at the end for transit traffic flows“,
Nurkovic said.
Michael G.
Dreznes, Executive Vice President of the International Roads Federation noted “The
impacts of investments in roads & highways have shown how connectivity
infrastructure can impact the lives of communities in positive ways. Our host
country, Montenegro, is itself a remarkable example of this drive towards
greater connectivity, with unprecedented effort to develop and modernize its
transport infrastructure”.
Other keynote
speakrs welcomed the opening of the Forum including Nenad Nikolic, UNECE
Regional Advisor; Vlastimir Golubovic, President of the Chamber of Commerce of
Montenegro; Igor Vusanovic, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Alexander Zuric, President of the Board of Directors of Monteput.
All photos from the Transport Connectivity Forum can be viewed at the following link: https://www.flickr.com/gp/184766605@N04/976B29