- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 137th Cabinet session
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Press release from 137th Cabinet session
Published on: Oct 4, 2019 • 1:16 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (3 October 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Public Procurement, which regulates the field of public procurement, namely, the public procurement procedures preceding the conclusion of public procurement contracts and framework agreements for the procurement of goods, services or works, procedure for the protection of rights, decision-making authority and other issues relevant to public procurement.
During the discussion, several ministers supported the draft law, referring to the shortcomings of the solution so far.
The Prime Minister noted that this law had been drafted for a long time, pointed out that the goals are greater efficiency in spending state money, along with European standards of transparency and accountability.
Today's session also adopted the Report on Inspection Supervision in the Field of Public Procurement (for the period January - June 2019). The discussion indicated that in the reporting period the number of controlled entities and objects of supervision increased, while the percentage of irregularities slightly increased.
In order to harmonise with the Law on Utilities, the Cabinet passed the Draft Law amending the Law on Protection against Environmental Noise. Considering the reorganisation of the local government bodies in charge of supervision, these changes stipulate that the communal inspection performs inspection work in the field of environmental noise protection, while the communal police perform the tasks of communal supervision and provision of communal order in the field of noise. In this way, the competence of the authorities was precisely determined and full implementation of legal provisions ensured concerning the supervision of environmental noise protection at the local level.
In order to further harmonise national legislation with European legislation, meet the priorities in the accession process and adopt the standards applicable in the European Union, the Government passed the Draft Law confirming the Nagoya Protocols on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilisation to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This Protocol reaffirms the sovereign rights of the State over its natural resources, and in accordance with the provisions of the Convention obliges access to national genetic resources to be governed by the granting of permits, with previously argued consent. In addition, users and suppliers of genetic resources must agree on the conditions of access and benefit sharing originating from these resources.
The Government reached a decision to set up the Council to monitor the implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy 2019-2022, which will be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Interior and Foreign Policy and Minister of Justice Zoran Pažin.
The Government adopted the Decision on the establishment of the Commission for the preparation of the Montenegrin version of the acquis communautaire, chaired by Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević. The Commission, as a working body of the Government, will monitor all activities of the Office for European Integration, ministries and other bodies related to the professional and legal-technical editing of translated acts, drafting a plan for translating EU legal acts and implementing that plan in the coming period. The Commission is composed of representatives of the Office for European Integration and all ministries.
The Government also adopted the Eleventh semi-annual report on the overall activities within the framework of the integration process of Montenegro into the European Union for the period January - June 2019, which covers the most important activities related to Montenegro's progress in the negotiation process, negotiations in Chapters 23 and 24, and political dialogue of Montenegro with the European Union. The focus of this document, which is forwarded to the Parliament of Montenegro, is to review the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on Stabilisation and Association, as well as the commitments made in implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
The Cabinet adopted the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for improving business environment (in selected areas). In order to meet the originally set deadlines, the Government tasked the stakeholders to accelerate the pace of implementation of the commitments made.
The Government adopted the Information on accession to the Radar Support Partnership and accepted the Letter of Intent. The scope of work covered by the Radar Support Partnership is predominantly related to cooperation in the procurement and maintenance of radar systems. Following the acceptance of the Letter of Intent by the Member States, Montenegro will become a member of the Partnership and formally fulfil the requirement to have it use 3D long-range military radar. By gaining this funding, the capabilities and operational capabilities of the Montenegrin Armed forces will be significantly increased and progress will be made in meeting the objectives set out in the Long-Term Defence Development Plan (2019-2028). In addition, significant savings will be made to the budget of Montenegro, and the funds planned for the acquisition of new military radar will be used for other investments in the defence system.
Today's Cabinet meeting also adopted the Municipal Wastewater Management Plan of Montenegro (2020-2035), with the Report on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of the Municipal Wastewater Management Plan for the period 2020-2035. The document is the result of the revision and updating of the Strategic Master Plan for sewage and waste water in the central and northern region of Montenegro (2005-2029) and the Master Plan for sewage disposal of the Montenegrin coast and the municipality of Cetinje (2005-2029), and its adoption establishes a comprehensive strategic framework for the period up to 2035 in the field of municipal wastewater. The plan provides that, in accordance with Council Directive 91/271 / EEC on the collection and treatment of municipal waste water, 37 defined agglomerations shall be equipped with municipal waste water treatment plants and adequate collector systems with deadlines for equipping agglomerations above 50 000 population equivalent ( ES) by 2031, between 15,000 EC and 50,000 EC by 2033, and below 15,000 EC by 2035.
Upon the proposal of the Office for European Integration, the Cabinet decided to amend the decisions on the establishment of working groups for the preparation and conduct of negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union in the field of the acquis communautaire relating to Chapters 2 - Free movement of workers and Chapter 13 - Fisheries.
The Government dismissed Bojana Lakićević Đuranović, a member of these working groups, following the issuance of a suspension order by the University of Montenegro, which had previously proposed her for membership in the working groups.
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