- Government of Montenegro
Dead poultry are still floating Bojana, it is cros...
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Dead poultry are still floating Bojana, it is cross-border problem
Published on: Oct 10, 2019 • 12:40 AM Author: PR Service
Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Directorate for Food, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs visited the Bojana River today in order to urgently address the environmental problem due to the occurrence of waste in the form of dead poultry floating the river.
We recall that on 30 September, following reports by citizens that there were numerous bags with dead poultry in the Bojana River, the veterinary inspector came to the scene, determined that the poultry corpses were in the decay stage and that the area had very unpleasant smell. On that occasion, the inspector took samples and sent them for analysis to determine if there were present dangerous infectious diseases. The quantity found was harmlessly removed. The Directorate then informed both the water management and environmental inspection, as well as the municipal inspection Ulcinj. Border police were also contacted to monitor the flow of Bojana, i.e. to determine the origin of the dead hens.
Following a new report by citizens that the waste has reappeared in Bojana, the visit of the area has been organised today, with the support of the Police Directorate. It was found that in several locations upstream of the Bojana coast, there is a significant amount of plastic bags with dead poultry, hen corpses floating, as well as corpses of cows and pigs.
Director of the Directorate for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs Vesna Daković, who coordinated the site visit, said that everything indicated that it is a cross-border problem, that is, the dead animals are from the neighbouring Albania, since in the wider area there are no poultry farms on the Montenegrin side. The direction of flow of the river indicates the debris from Albanian to the Montenegrin side of the Bojana coast.
"It is evident that the problem is cross-border. The results of the laboratory analyzes of the samples showed that the poultry was not infected with any disease that could be transmitted to humans, but analyzes isolated salmonella, which has an effect on the poultry and which most likely killed the chickens," Daković said.
She noted that communication with the competent services in Albania should be initiated in order to resolve such cases. "As countries in the region with aspirations for EU membership, which means adopting and respecting standards in all areas, we unfortunately witness this situation where dead animals are thrown into the rivers," Daković said.
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