- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 140th Cabinet session
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Press release from 140th Cabinet session
Published on: Oct 25, 2019 • 4:02 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (24 October 2019) -- At today’s session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Business Organisations. The drafting of the new law was initiated due to the shortcomings of the current act, as well as the need for full harmonisation with the legislation of the European Union regarding the harmonisation of national company rights and the creation of conditions for adequate development of the internal market, as a key mechanism, but also for the achievements of European economic integration. The proposed law regulates in more detail and more precisely the issues of establishment, management, restructuring, termination of companies and other issues of importance for their functioning.
The Government passed the Draft Law amending the Law on Higher Education and decided to submit the proposed law to the Parliament for consideration. The proposed amendments stipulate that students enrolled in master's degree programmes in public institutions by the date of entry into force of the law, who have settled or paid the tuition fee in accordance with the Study Agreement, are not required to pay the master's thesis costs if they complete these studies by the end of the 2020/2021 study period.
With this solution, students were given two years to complete their postgraduate studies, without the obligation to pay additional costs for the master's thesis, or for the application of the master's thesis, except for those related to tuition and transfer of credits for the passed exams.
When it comes to extending the deadline for enrollment in specialist studies by two years, the established amendments proposed a solution that institutions that accredited specialist study programmes until the date of entry into force of the proposed law may enroll students in specialist studies until 2021/2022.
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education are tasked, in cooperation with the University of Montenegro, in the budget for the coming years to allocate the missing funds on the basis of the costs for the master's thesis. The Government decided to provide the University of Montenegro with the missing amount of money to repay student payments based on the payment for the master's thesis, which they paid in September, from the current budget reserve.
The Government adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2018-2020 for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2019 and adopted the Decision modifying and amending the Decision on severance pay in the event of a mutually terminated employment of public sector employees.
The Ministry of Public Administration was tasked to submit the Government by 1 March 2020 a consolidated report on the implementation of the Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2018-2020 for the third and fourth quarters of 2019.
The state bodies and public institutions founded by the states were tasked, and it is recommended that the judiciary, the State Prosecutor's Office and local self-government units cease hiring on a part-time basis until 1 March 2020, except that it is possible to make an emplyment for a fixed or indefinite period with the consent of the Government Cabinet.
The state bodies and public institutions founded by the states are requested, and the judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office and local self-government units are advised, to make decisions on termination of employment of persons who have concluded a fixed-term employment after the expiry of the term on which the employment is based, stressing that the employment cannot be extended until 1 March 2020 without the prior approval of the Government’s Cabinet.
The amended Decision stipulates that the Agreement on termination of employment cannot be signed with an employee who performs tasks that are of particular importance for the smooth and regular performance of the tasks necessary for the exercise of authority of the body or legal entity in which that person is employed. It also stipulates that the post of an employee whose termination of employment has been terminated in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Decision may not employ another person, and that such position shall be terminated by amending the act on internal organisation and systematisation, within 30 days from days of severance pay.
Today’s session adopted the Report on the implementation of the obligations from the Programme of Accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2019-2020 for I, II and III quarters of 2019. For the first three quarters of the current year, out of a total of 195 commitments, 128, or 66% were fulfilled. Regarding laws and by-laws, out of 137, 76% and 55% were realised. In addition, out of the 58 strategy documents, 52 strategies or 90 percent were fulfiled.
The Government accepted the Montenegro’s Host Nation Support Concept (HNS). HNS is the is civilian and military assistance provided in peace, in the case of natural and technical, technological and environmental disasters, during crises and during conflicts, by the host country of allied forces and organisations located on its territory, conducting the operation on or off its territory, or passing through it.
The aim of the Concept is to define the basic frameworks for implementing Montenegro's support as a host country in accordance with NATO doctrinal documents and regulations in Montenegro, as well as to ensure that civilian and military support for defence planning documents is mutually compatible.
The Government adopted the Information on Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to the organisation, administration and financing of the International School in SHAPE and accepted the Memorandum. In line with other NATO members who have assessed this type of training to be the most effective and cost effective, Montenegro will, by signing this Memorandum, allow military and diplomatic representatives to be involved in the work of school boards and budget committees and thus participate in making decisions when it comes to school policies. This would, among other things, enable the children of the Montenegrin military-diplomatic representatives to apply for scholarships during the final year of education.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the implementation of measures from the Schengen Action Plan in the field of construction and reconstruction of border crossings and facilities of the Border Police. When presenting the report, it was stated that the sectoral direct budget support programme for the improvement of the integrated border management system is being successfully implemented. It was emphasised that in 2018, an external evaluation of the European Commission estimated that 100% of the indicators for payment of the second tranche were fulfilled, which makes Montenegro the only beneficiary country of this programme that fulfilled all set goals, thanks to the efforts and results achieved by all participants in this process. At the end of the discussion, it was concluded that the same is expected when it comes to the payment of the third tranche.
As part of the overall effort to combat trafficking in human beings, the Government adopted the Responses to the Questionnaire of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), as part of the third round of evaluation of the implementation of the CoE Convention on Trafficking in Human Beings in Montenegro.
The Government adopted Montenegro's Industrial Policies 2019-2023. The key objective of this document is to establish a strategic framework and priorities for industrial development, through planned support and implementation of measures to promote internationalisation of domestic enterprises, implementation of innovations and new technological solutions in industry, development of a more resource efficient economy and good environmental management, in order to create greater value added at all stages of business development and the strengthening of an internationally competitive industry.
Accordingly, the following strategic goals have been set: improvement of infrastructure and business environment for more efficient industrial development; promotion of investments and finances for the modernisation of industry; fostering innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship development and improving market access. In order to achieve these strategic goals, an Action Plan for the Implementation of the Industrial Policy of Montenegro 2019 - 2023 was adopted.
The Government adopted the Report on Activities to Suppress the Grey Economy, with proposals for measures to combat the informal economy. The report provides an overview of activities within each competent institution respectively, as well as a proposal for measures to further curb the grey economy. During the discussion, it was concluded that the level of the grey economy is decreasing, but that it is still present in all forms, requesting the competent institutions to continue implementing measures to further suppress this phenomenon.
Today’s session made a decision on developing the Local Site Study of "Lučica", Budva Municipality , whose main objective is to provide conditions for tourism development in this area, while respecting the principles of landscaping, protection and sustainable use of space. The programme assignment defines that the vision of spatial development in this area should follow the vision of development of the coastal region, which, as an important spatial, economic, and social resource of Montenegro, should be developing in a controlled manner, using its natural and cultural potentials in a sustainable fashion. Further development must respect European standards and values and establish rules for high-quality regulation and management of space.
In accordance with the Energy Development Strategy until 2030, the Government adopted the Draft Detailed Spatial Plan for the Multipurpose Storage Area on the Komarnica River, with the Public Debate Programme. The public hearing will last 30 business days from the day of advertising in one daily that is published and distributed on the territory of Montenegro and on the website of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism. The Komarnica spatial plan should provide a clear vision of the future development of this area, as an area of special importance for the construction of infrastructure facilities, for the benefit of local communities and Montenegro, thus creating the preconditions for the realisation of an important hydro power facility. According to the programme assignment, the goal is to look at the possible negative impacts and minimise them, and use the positive effects for more intensive development.
The Government adopted the Information on the realisation of the Concession Agreement under the combined DBOT arrangement for exploration of the Crnja watercourse and the techno-economic use of hydroelectric potential for the production of electricity in small hydro power plants. In that regard, the Government also accepted the Contract with the company "DEKAR" Ltd., Podgorica on the concession for the construction of small hydro power plants "Crnja", "Ljubaštica" and "Crni potok" on the river Crnja, thus amending the contract concluded in 2008.
The Information recalls that at the session of 20 December 2018, with a view to regulating in a unique way the influence of potentially disputable circumstances on the rights and obligations of the contracting parties in the concession contracts, the Government decide to conclude an amended concession contract with the concessionaires where such a need exists in order to redefine and more precisely regulate certain aspects of existing concession relations. Since the Government, in order to unify the existing concessionary relations, established a standard contract for concession for the construction of small hydro power plants, a specific contract proposal has been prepared.
The Government, inter alia, adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (2019-2024), for 2019 and 2020, which sets 5 operational objectives and 39 activities. All operational targets are accompanied by appropriate performance indicators in terms of the 2018 initial value and projections in the form of the 2020 target value and the 2024 target value.
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