- Government of Montenegro
New works, worth almost EUR 4.3 million, contracte...
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New works, worth almost EUR 4.3 million, contracted in Nikšić and Rožaje
Published on: Oct 25, 2019 • 8:58 PM Author: PR Service

The Public Works Administration has contracted with Podgorica-based "Novi Volvox" company the second phase of construction of a Home for the Elderly and Adults with Disabilities in Nikšić, worth around EUR 2.4 million, with a deadline of 12 months after the contractor is commissioned.
The first phase of works on the location of the former Trebjesa Military Complex, which will be adapted for the needs of the Home of the Eldery, began in mid-September and is being implemented under the Regional Housing Programme (RHP) for Montenegro. The value of both phases is around EUR 5.2 million, and after the completion of works, Niksic will obtain a modern and functional building with a capacity of 208 for the oldest population.
In Rožaje, the Tehnogradnja company is about to begin constructing sports halls for the Gymnasium and the Secondary Vocational School, for which the Government will allocate almost EUR 1.63 million.
The new sports halls will significantly improve the conditions for sports and physical education classes for high school students in Rožaje.
"Tehnoput" company was also selected to construct the Zahumlje Public Institution building in Nikšić, worth about EUR 284,000.
Founded more than 120 years ago, Zahumlje today is a symbol of the cultural life of the city, which is why the need to improve the conditions of its work has been recognised.
The deadline for the completion of the project is three months from the date of contractor introduction.
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