- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic me...
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Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic meets with WHO Regional Director for Europe Marc Danzon
Published on: Feb 15, 2007 • 1:05 AM Author: Naslovna strana

The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for Montenegros prompt admission to the World Health Organization following the restoration of its statehood, which was of critical importance not only for the countrys participation in cooperation programs and projects with that specialized agency within the UN system, but also in terms of Montenegros international position and affirmation in general. Referring to the beneficial cooperation during the 1990s, which had been carried out under difficult circumstances, the Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with the recently signed Framework Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the WHO, which would provide for the development of various forms of cooperation in the next period.
The Prime Minister noted that Montenegro was fully committed to the goals of the World Health Organization and, by participating in the work of its bodies, it would make its contribution to their achievement. He also pointed out that Montenegros health policy and reform were based on European standards and Montenegros aspirations to integrate into modern European structures, above all the European Union.
Mr Danzon stressed that the WHO would support the development of Montenegros health system, both in the area of transmissible diseases and in terms of achieving the so-called Millennium Development Goals and the activities arising from reforms of the United Nations system in that area.
The two officials recognized the importance of promoting regional cooperation in the field of healthcare.
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