- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic me...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic meets Chairman of PACE Political Affairs Committee and Special Rapporteur for Montenegros accession to CoE Jean-Charles Gardetto
Published on: Feb 26, 2007 • 9:21 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Mr Gardetto informed the Prime Minister that the main purpose of his visit was to present a draft Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee regarding Montenegros request for accession to the Council of Europe. The document contains guidelines for the acceptance and implementation of the conventions, treaties and protocols adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe, as well as recommendations concerning constitutional reform and the new text of the Constitution of Montenegro and harmonization of national legislation with European standards. He welcomed Montenegros constructive approach towards achieving full membership of Europes oldest organization, which was strongly manifested by adopting the Declaration on minimum principles that need to be incorporated into the new Constitution.
The Prime Minister thanked Mr Gardetto for his personal involvement concerning Montenegros accession to the Council of Europe. He emphasized that relevant authorities of Montenegro would shortly examine the Draft Opinion and expressed confidence that Montenegros response to the document would be positive. The Prime Minister expressed appreciation for the invaluable long-standing support from the Council of Europe in conducting reforms in many different areas, predominately public administration and the judiciary, but also in the security sector, education and media, recognizing as particularly important the expert assistance provided during the statehood referendum and Septembers general elections. He emphasized the Governments commitment to continue reforms and adopt modern international standards, in order for Montenegro to joint the European family of developed democratic nations. On this path, its prompt accession to full membership of the Council of Europe is of critical importance.
Mr Gardetto asserted the readiness of the Council of Europes bodies to continue providing the required support to Montenegro and expressed confidence that its accession to full membership of the Council of Europe would be achieved soon.
The meeting was attended by Special Representative of the Council of Europes Secretary General in Montenegro Vladimir Filipov and Director of the Council of Europes Interparliamentary and Institutional Relations Directorate Jane Dinsdale.
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