- Government of Montenegro
Cabinet passes draft law on national broadcaster R...
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Cabinet passes draft law on national broadcaster RTCG
Published on: Oct 31, 2019 • 10:17 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (31 October 2019) -- At today's session, the Government of Montenegro passed the Draft Law on National Broadcaster RTCG.
During the drafting process, the document has been the subject of international monitoring expertise on three occasions and is therefore fully compliant with the Council of Europe's standards.
Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanović told the press following the Cabinet session that the aforementioned act came as a result of activities undertaken by a working group consisting of representatives of the Government, national broadcaster, NGOs, universities, media regulators and international experts.
The Draft Law on National Broadcaster RTCG contains all the normative prerequisites necessary for an institutionally, politically and financially independent national broadcaster, while strengthening existing and defining new institutes, he emphasised.
Minister Bogdanović pointed out that the new act defines further the issues of conflict of interests of the Council's members and the criteria for their election. The draft law, inter alia, inroduces the institution of RTCG Ombudsman and the Steering Committee.
"I would like to point out that the Draft Law, which at the request of our Ministry, that is, the Government was the subject to three monitoring expertise, implemented all Council of Europe's recommendations from the JUFREX analysis, and recommendations from the Council of Europe and European Commission triple expertise. Therefore, in the final opinion of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, the Draft Law was assessed as fully in line with the Council of Europe's standards, that is, it does not require any further amendments," concluded Minister Bogdanović.
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