- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 141st Cabinet session
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Press release from 141st Cabinet session
Published on: Nov 1, 2019 • 1:58 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (31 October 2019) -- At today's today, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law on National Broadcaster RTCG.
The Government also passed the Draft Law on the Rights of Passengers in Maritime and Inland Navigation. This act regulates the rights of passengers in maritime and inland navigation in cases of cancellation and delay of departure and delay in arrival, prohibition of discrimination against persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility due to the conditions of transport offered by the carrier and the right of those persons to assistance when traveling sea or inland waterways and the obligation to provide information to passengers, the appeal procedure and general conditions of implementation. A new Maritime Economy Inspector will be introduced, whose inspection supervision is solely related to the control of economic entities and their activities in providing passenger services in maritime and inland traffic.
In order to comply with the Law on Identity Card and the relevant documents of the European legislation, the Government passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Electronic Identification and Electronic Signature. The amendments relate to the introduction of an electronic identification document and a clearer standardisation of electronic identification. In addition, the concept of electronic trust service is introduced in accordance with the scope of law-regulated services, instead of the term certification service for electronic transactions, since electronic trust services include services other than certification services that do not require the issuance of this type document. In this way, as highlighted in the discussion, the area of electronic identification and electronic trust services is further regulated.
In order to eliminate the double taxation of income of residents of Montenegro and the Principality of Monaco, the Cabinet passed the Draft Law on the Confirmation of the Treaty between Montenegro and the Principality of Monaco on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion.
In accordance with the Law on Restriction of Tobacco Use and the envisaged exception to the prohibition of smoking indoors, the Government adopted the Decision on the amount and method of payment of the fee for the use of tobacco products in casinos. This document stipulates that the amount of the fee paid by gamblers for the use of tobacco products in casinos is 100 euros per month per 1 m² of casino surface, which is calculated and paid monthly, by the 15th of the current month for the previous one.
Today's Cabinet session adopted the Report on negotiations on the conclusion of the International Data Sharing Agreement for the purpose of verifying asset declarations, which allows direct administrative exchange of property data between the anti-corruption bodies of the signatories to the Agreement. The agreement will strengthen anti-corruption cooperation at the regional level and will be the first data sharing agreement to prevent corruption in Europe.
It was noted that this mechanism will contribute to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of asset verification and to preventing conflicts of interest of public office holders with a regional dimension. The draft agreement was prepared on the basis of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and Resolution 6/4, which encourage UN member states to consider concluding multilateral agreements on civil and administrative matters relating to corruption, including international cooperation, and it was prepared as part of the South East Europe Regional Programme to strengthen the capacity of anti-corruption bodies and civil society to combat corruption and contribute to the UNCAC review process.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Zoran Pažin pointed out at the end of the discussion that Montenegro is the first country to adopt the Report, thus sending a message of Montenegro's commitment and determination to fight corruption.
The Government adopted the Information on the Financing Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania for 2018, within the framework of the Montenegro-Albania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 and approved the Financing Agreement. The signing of this Financing Agreement will enable the realisation of activities aimed at improving the standards and quality of life of people in the programme area, through the valorisation of their tourism potential, ecologically sustainable and socially inclusive economic development of the region, respecting common cultural and natural heritage. The total estimated cost for 2018 is EUR 2 million, with the maximum EU contribution set at EUR 1,700,000. Co-financing of the projects is provided by the grant beneficiaries, amounting to at least 15% of the total eligible costs at the project level.
The Government also adopted the Information on the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and Kosovo for 201, within the Montenegro-Kosovo Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, and approved the Financial Agreement. The total estimated cost for 2018 is EUR 1,411,764, with a maximum EU contribution of EUR 1,200,000 and co-financing by grants of at least 15% of the total eligible costs at project level.
At today's session, the Cabinet adopted the Information on the project Integrated Information System for Social Welfare (IISSS) - e-Social Card and the Annex to the Agreement between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Montenegro, defining the new contractual values of the Agreement and the payment schedule in line with the revised project implementation plan in the amount of EUR 455,000.00, bringing the total contracted value of the amended Agreement to EUR 1,301,600.00. The need to conclude the Annex, primarily for the sustainability of the system and further implementation of the reform, was caused by numerous unplanned legislative changes that required additional software solutions, which disrupted the planned implementation and deadlines. It was confirmed that this is a capital reform project without which the optimal implementation of new legal and institutional solutions would not be possible, that is, the successful implementation of the structural reform of the social protection system. The ultimate goal of the project is to enable poor and socially disadvantaged citizens to have easier and quicker access to material benefits and high-quality social and family protection services, while providing more equitable financial assistance.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the conclusion of the Financing Agreement between Montenegro and the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the implementation of the project "Program for the Advancement of Montenegrin Education" and the Financing Agreement worth EUR 18 million. The project aims to increase children's access to high-quality early childhood care and high-quality education in preschools, as well as improving the learning conditions of students in primary and general and vocational secondary schools.
The contract is accompanied by a donation of over one million euros, which will be used to select a reputable consultant.
The discussion highlighted that the funds will also be used to procure new school furniture, computer equipment, and equipment for all vocational schools, and that the conclusion of this Agreement and such a large investment in education demonstrates the Government's firm commitment to invest in knowledge.
The Government also adopted the Information on the implementation of the project "Construction of sewage network and wastewater treatment plants in the municipality of Bijelo Polje", with the proposal of the Grant Agreement between the Government of Montenegro, the Municipality of Bijelo Polje and the European Investment Bank. The discussion highlighted that this Project was included in the Unified List of Priority Infrastructure Projects, and that it was nominated for donor funding under the Third Call for Proposals from the Western Balkan Investment Fund (WBIF). At the end of last year, the WBIF Steering Board gave a positive assessment of the project and it was decided that the construction of the waste treatment plant in the Municipality of Bijelo Polje will be co-financed with the amount of EUR 2,993,000, for which the Government accepted the Grant Agreement at today's session.
The Cabinet adopted the Decision on the prior approval of the Municipality of Ulcinj for the alienation of the real estate and tasked the Property Directorate to, as a bidder, apply for a public tender for sale to be announced by the Municipality of Ulcinj, with a bid for the purchase of property up to an amount of EUR 3,552,000.
The Government was briefed about the initiatives coming from the Parliament to improve the text of the Draft Law on the Protection of the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor.
The Government agreed with the initiative, for which the line ministry also gave a positive opinion and tasked the Minister of Culture to approve amendments that contribute to the advancement of the legal solution.
Concluding this item on the agenda, Prime Minister Duško Marković said that the Government will not be a government that will clash with UNESCO but a government that will partner with UNESCO to develop and protect, and that it will lead to the removal of Kotor from the UNESCO list. On the contrary, it will endeavour to have some other sites such as the Biogradska gora listed.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmJ4Vvj9
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