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Minister Sekulić: Montenegro has already done almost everything of "mini - Schengen" initiative, We understand need to come up with new initiative of those who set up barriers to each other

Published on: Nov 12, 2019 3:45 AM Author: PR Service

Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulić emphasised tonight that within the framework of international organisations and initiatives, Montenegro has already fulfilled a great part of what the latest initiative of the leaders of Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia contains and that our country has no trade and other barriers to other countries but understands the need of those countries, which set up barriers to one another, to come up with a new initiative.

 "The fact is that we met the text for the first time, as they called it "action plan to accelerate the free movement of goods, people, services and capital" yesterday morning at the meeting itself…There is nothing new in that paper that we have not already had in different declarations and agreements. As a member of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), Montenegro has no outstanding issues with any country in the region, particularly not the with the countries initiators of this initiative, which is not the case among them. So, it is quite clear that Montenegro has already opened its boundaries," the Minister of Economy stated in a quest appearance on the Television of Montenegro.

 Minister Sekulić recalled that Montenegro has fulfilled all the recommendations of the Berlin initiative that citizens of Montenegro already travel using the identity card as a document to all countries of the region except the Croatia.

 "There is nothing new that we haven’t done already. I consulted my colleagues today and asked what it looked like to check out this action plan. They wrote to me: the CEFTA, measure this and that – implemented, the Berlin initiative, measure this and that – implemented," Minister Sekulić noted.

She added that eventually our joining this initiative would only be a waste of energy on something we have already done.

"I understand the initiators, these are the countries that, because of the different trade barriers they put on each other, maybe need a new initiative in order to re - promise that they will do what we had done a long time ago," Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulić concluded on the Television of Montenegro.


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