- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic me...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic meets with US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Daniel Fried
Published on: Jul 8, 2007 • 10:45 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Having welcomed Mr. Fried, Prime Minister Sturanovic noted the strategic importance of the partnership between the United States of America and the Republic of Montenegro and expressed satisfaction that the excellent bilateral cooperation between the two countries had been institutionalized and formalized through a series of agreements.
He noted that Montenegros political relations with the United States were characterized by a high level of understanding and mutual interest in promoting all-round bilateral cooperation. The American administration, that is the American people, has been providing significant support to Montenegros economic development and democratic and reform processes over a long period of time, recognizing its reform course, the constructive role and position in the region and its contribution to regional stability and security.
The Prime Minister pointed out that Euro-Atlantic integration was Montenegros strategic priority, adding that in the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration Montenegro advocated that every country should be regarded separately and should make progress according to the results it had achieved.
Montenegro is committed to the struggle against terrorism and the control of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and, by the same token, supports the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the Proliferation Security Initiative.
Prime Minister Sturanovic emphasized that Montenegro very much appreciated the support the United States had provided so far, particularly in reforming the defense sector, and described further cooperation on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration as very important.
Mr. Fried expressed his satisfaction with the achievements made so far, welcomed Montenegros efforts towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration and promised further US support to the countrys constructive role and strengthening of its position as a regional stability factor. He also expressed his satisfaction with the support and cooperation received from the Government of Montenegro in combating international terrorism, as well as in other fields.
It was agreed that good political relations, internal macroeconomic and political stability, Montenegros membership of the IMF, World Bank and other international financial institutions, a clear prospect of signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement in the near future and membership of the World Trade Organization created a good basis for increasing the level and quality of economic cooperation between the two countries.
The consideration of the bilateral agreements between the countries, with particular reference to agreements on economic, technical and other forms of cooperation, encouragement of investment and the agreements protecting investors from noncommercial risks, has been recognized as a priority in terms of meeting the requirements for boosting economic cooperation, investment security and presence of American companies in the local market.
After being granted observer status late last year, Montenegro has shown interest in obtaining full membership of the Adriatic Charter. Furthermore, Montenegro as an observer expects an invitation to the meeting of the Ministers of Defense of the South East European Cooperation this October in Ukraine.
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