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PM Marković: Government regrets neither money nor efforts to retain young talented people in Montenegro

Published on: Nov 20, 2019 8:15 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (20 November) -- Prime Minister Duško Marković stated earlier today in the Assembly that according to the recently released "Global Innovation Index for 2019" of the World Intellectual Property Organisation, our country has been ranked 45th out of 129 countries and when it comes to the creative results in the 26 place, that the Ministry of Science awarded grants of up to EUR 100.000 in an individual amounts, that the Smart Specialisation Strategy was adopted and that the aim now is to put the wealth of our human potential, which others see and recognise, in function and through the vision of the Ministry of Science and other departments we turn into long - term policies of the Government.

"Three years ago, I stated that the aim of the Government that I represent is to further develop science and innovations thought the improvement of the quality of the domestic scientific – research community, thought the development of international network of cooperation and increasingly intensive permeation of science and business. Exactly this permeation is the only guarantee that we can use our natural potentials in an optimal manner for the benefit of our citizens. The Ministry of Science has been working committed on this plan and thanks to that, but also the activities of other departments, we can speak about some concrete steps today. Just like three years ago, the innovations issue in Montenegro is still sceptical and overly cautious. Getting out of the steady, usual way of working and thinking is still unacceptable to many of us. And as a rule, the changes are the weakest accepted where they are most needed – in the antiquated and outdated business processes of a part of our economy. But, things are changing fast and there are encourages. In recently released report "Global Innovation Index for 2019" that the World Intellectual Property Organisation prepared, Montenegro has been ranked 45th out of 129 countries. Among the selected indicators, our creative results are best ranked – according to them, our country occupies a respectable 26th position. So, the wealth of human potential that others see and recognise we now should put into operation and thought the vision of the Ministry of Science and other departments to express them into long – term Government policies," Prime Minister Duško Marković stated at the Prime Minister's Hour answering the question of Aleksandra Vuković from the Democratic Party of Socialists, of what measures the Government takes to encourage innovations in economy and support to innovative fast growing companies.

Recalling last year’s grants of the Ministry of Science, Prime Minister Marković also announced the results of the second funding cycle.

"Trough 20 supported projects, in a total amount of EUR 1.5 million, the employment of highly qualified personnel is provided: about 50 engineers, programmers, researchers, and experts of similar profile have been engaged in jobs that have characteristics of attractive development projects. So, our young experts will be working on new contents and creations, here in Montenegro. The aim is to place the rich creative and creative potential in the context of materialisation and creation of a new value. We share that goal with economy thought directing scientific and technological energies towards innovations for the market with a focus on exporting knowledge and new products. We have introduced an Incentive Program and launched several instruments of support within innovative start-ups. The programs to accelerate the innovation growth in the early phase of development are the most significant. Two such a programs are starting with implementation soon," the prime Minister pointed out.

The Prime Minister also mentioned the activities of the other ministries such as the "Creative Montenegro" project of the Ministry of Culture, which drives innovations in other creative industries, activities of the Ministry of Education directed towards better education, adapted to the digital age and the global economy, normative framework for mobility of young people and their integration into the creative and economic trends that the Ministry of Sports and Youth has created and others.

"A successful example is the project "School for 21st century" that was implemented in cooperation with the British Council, which I personally supported within the framework of the instruments at my disposal. The first results in this area are already there, as our youngest innovators, from six schools, draw attention to themselves through competitions and awards at the national and regional level… The scientific community recognises our efforts and investments and which is equally important, the economy also recognises them. In the selected priority areas, the first forms of cooperation are already visible. The Government today is not only setting strategic direction for actions but also giving a concrete and rapid example of its new approach. In cooperation with the University of Montenegro we established Scientific – technological park and initiated adaptation of the building on the University campus. It will be the basis for even better work, attraction and synergy of innovative companies, academic community, students, youth and individual innovators. We believe that this can also be a good basis for attracting a new type of foreign investment. An investment to the Scientific Technological Park is worth around EUR 12 million, of which EUR 4 million has already been invested. Over the next year we expect the most part of our adaptation work to be completed," the Prime Minister noted.

The Prime Minister concluded by the stating that even in the much more complex fiscal circumstances the Government did not restrict innovations and it was working concrete and intensively to strengthen our innovation ecosystem.

"Not because it is easy job with quick political results - because it is not. It is because we are convinced that only through committed work we can utilise the obvious human potentials of young people and scientists and make Montenegro successful and recognised in the world of innovation. Only in that manner, we can use our natural resources and tourist attractiveness as an argument more in creating a desirable place for living, working and quality investments. That will empower the decisions of our young and talented people to stay and create their future here, recognising that they are participants in contemporary strengthening of the country, both scientifically and entrepreneurial. The Government will regret no money or effort along that path!" the Prime Minister pointed out.  


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