- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic me...
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Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic meets UNHCR Representative in Montenegro Serge Ducasse
Published on: Jul 20, 2007 • 10:13 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Having welcomed and wished every success to Mr Ducasse in his new position as the UNHCR Representative in Montenegro, Prime Minister Sturanovic thanked the UNHCR for the support provided so far and welcomed its efforts in tackling the problems of refugees and displaced persons in Montenegro by supporting the local institutions directly in charge of protecting and enforcing their rights, their integration or return to their countries of origin. According to the available information, there are approximately 25,000 refugees and displaced persons in Montenegro, or 4% of the total population.
From the very beginning, the Government of Montenegro has been committed to resolving this issue, promoting multiethnic harmony even in times when as much as 140,000 refugees and displaced persons resided in Montenegro, which was more than 20% of the indigenous population.
In February 2005, the Government of Montenegro adopted the National Strategy for Permanent Resolution of the Problem of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Montenegro. It has been taking action to find the optimum solution for this population, in accordance with Montenegros economic capacity and with respect for the existing international standards and principles.
Montenegro is currently undergoing a transition process and the question of integrating the aforementioned persons requires additional efforts, such as their housing, employment, health insurance, education, etc., which is an extra burden on the existing social programs.
Mr. Ducasse thanked the Government for its commitment to resolve the problem of refugees and displaced persons and noted that Montenegro had had a positive policy towards refugees and displaced persons ever since the outbreak of hostilities in the former Yugoslavia, as confirmed by all relevant international organizations. In addition, he noted that there was a high level of understanding and cooperation between UNHCR representatives and relevant authorities in Montenegro, expressing hope that this would continue to be the case in the future.
He pointed out that the activities of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in 2005 and 2006 were focused on providing direct support to the most vulnerable categories of refugees and internally displaced persons currently residing in Montenegro. UNHCRs activities are now concentrated on finding long-term sustainable solutions, in accordance with recommendations by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees concerning the implementation of the program of Development through Local Integration. The focus of UNHCRs activities in 2007 will be placed on tackling issues of permanent integration of refugees and displaced persons. Also, in cooperation with the EU, UNHCR will be providing support to the development of accommodation capacity and dealing with the issue of asylum seekers.
Both sides agreed that the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, singed late last year, would provide an additional incentive to mutual cooperation. The Agreement has created conditions for Montenegros full membership of the UNHCR Executive Committee and the promotion of the status of the UNHCRs local office, customary for operation in internationally recognized countries.
It is certain that Montenegro could not offer a solution concept based solely on its own capacity. The solutions need to be based both on the local capacity and support from the international community.
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