- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic an...
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Press release: Prime Minister Zeljko Sturanovic and Foreign Minister Milan Rocen holding informal meetings with leaders of UN member states high-level delegations
Published on: Sep 25, 2007 • 4:58 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Among others, the Prime Minister met with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero, Prince Albert of Monaco and Secretary General of the Arab League Amr Moussa. He also had a separate audience with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.
In addition, Prime Minister Sturanovic took part in the event entitled Global Voices on Climate Change, featuring Al Gore as the keynote speaker.
Prime Minister Sturanovic also met with the President of 62nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, Dr Srđan Kerim. He congratulated Mr Kerim on his recent appointment to this significant office and wished him every success in his new role. Sturanovic pointed out that the issues of global importance should be dealt with within the UN system, with the active participation of all UN member states. By the same token, emphasizing the importance of the regional approach to global issues, he put forward a proposal for Montenegro to host next years Regional Conference on Climate Change.
Dr Kerim thanked Montenegro for supporting Macedonia and his presidential candidacy. He welcomed Montenegros principled policy towards the most important challenges facing the UN the question of climate change, the financing of the development and reform of the UN system and implementation of the Millennium goals. Furthermore, he lent his full support to the initiative to organize a regional conference on climate changes in Montenegro.
During the High-Level Meeting on Climate Change, Foreign Minister Milan Rocen also had a series of informal meetings with his colleagues from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Austria, Greece, Serbia and Costa Rica.
Foreign Minister Rocen and his Algerian counterpart, Mourad Medelci, sighed a Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. On that occasion, both sides expressed their confidence in the real possibility for promoting relations between the two countries and strengthening bilateral cooperation.
Mr Rocen also met with the EU troika envoy Wolfgang Ischinger, with whom he exchanged views on the course of the Kosovo negotiations and the importance of reaching a sustainable solution for the region as a whole and its European future.
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