- Government of Montenegro
Statement by the Prime Minister of Montenegro, H.E...
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Statement by the Prime Minister of Montenegro, H.E. Željko Šturanović, at the Summit of the Central European Initiative (CEI), Sofia, Bulgaria
Published on: Dec 10, 2007 • 6:10 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is leasure to be here today, in Sofia, at the Prime Ministerial of the oldest regional initiative in Central and Eastern Europe, the Central European Initiative (CEI).
I take this opportunity to thank the Bulgarian chairmanship of CEI for the excellent organisation of this meeting and to commend all those whose effort has contributed to making this important event possible.
Today in Sofia we are to adopt two important documents conducive towards a stronger profile of CEI in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The Final Document and the Decisions on CEI restructuring include guidelines for continuation of successful political, economic, cultural and overall co-operation among the 18 Initiative member states. Our national teams, supported by the CEI Executive Secretariat, have worked hard and successfully towards harmonising the positions expressed in the documents that are to be adopted today. I do believe that the implementation of the document will give a fresh momentum to promoting mutual co-operation at different levels to the benefit of the citizens of all the 18 member states of the Initiative.
I would like to particularly stress the importance of commitment by those CEI member states that are also members of the EU to supporting other member states of the Initiative in strengthening their democratic and overall capacity on their European and Euro-Atlantic integration road. I think that the European, as well as the Euro-Atlantic integration process is having a positive impact on the development and stability of the region and that the role of CEI in this process is of major importance. With its membership structure and its terms of reference, CEI is a unique instrument of economic, political and cultural co-operation in Europe, which successfully links practices and standards of the EU with democratic transformation processes in the states aspiring to join the Union.
In regard of Montenegro, allow me to stress that from the day of her becoming a member of the CEI, on 1 August 2006, Montenegro has time and again reiterated her intention to fully contribute, in accordance with her capacity, to the work of the Initiative. Her commitment to engage devotedly in the work of the regional initiatives is based on defined foreign policy priorities of Montenegro, regional co-operation being one of the top three. In this regard Montenegro supports the South East European countries regional ownership, in particular through the forthcoming start of the work of the Regional Co-operation Council (RCC), which will, I am confident, prove to be a useful mechanism in promoting efficient and comprehensive implementation of the EU Enlargement Agenda.
Montenegro is devoted to building up her own capacity on her road towards the EU and NATO integration and as a young and a small state, she seeks to strengthen, at the same time, her international position of a responsible player by contributing to enhancing prosperity and stability in the region. In this regard I take this opportunity to stress the importance of the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Montenegro on 15 October in Luxembourg, reaffirming Montenegros commitment to the European integration process. In addition to this, a Joint Visa Application Centre has been opened at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Montenegro with the objective to issue visas on behalf of the states of the Shengen system. Among the recent major achievements I would single out adoption of the first Constitution of the independent Montenegro, incorporating relevant international and European standards.
Finally, allow me to express my optimism about the future and the role of the Central European Initiative in which we all together play an important part and in which, I am confident, through our endeavours we can contribute towards improving the economic, social, cultural, environmental and overall quality of life of our citizens. I am also optimistic about the development of our cooperation and mutual understanding. To that aim, Montenegro offers strong support to the ongoing negotiation process regarding the resolution of Kosovo issue, hoping that the process will result in an agreed and sustained resolution.
To conclude, I would like to wish all the success to the future CEI Presidency of the Republic of Moldova, in fulfilling its important role.
Thank you for your attention.
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