- Government of Montenegro
Inscription of Boka Navy on ICH list in next nomin...
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Inscription of Boka Navy on ICH list in next nomination cycle possible
Published on: Dec 13, 2019 • 2:30 AM Author: PR Service
The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which held its session in Bogota, with the presence of a Montenegrin delegation led by Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanović, recognised the importance of the Boka Navy and opened the possibility for its inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the coming period.
Chairperson of the Evaluation Body of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Bak Sang Mee noted that Boka Navy, traditional maritime organisation, encompasses a series of activities, practices and rituals associated with bringing the remains of St. Tryphon to Kotor, dating back to 809, in which seafarers played a significant role.
From the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies criterion R5 for inscription on the representative list. The Evaluation Body considered that Boka Navy was included in the register of cultural properties of Montenegron in 2013. The Administration for the protection of cultural properties is the body responsible for maintaining the inventory. However, the Evaluation Body that the information is not sufficient to assess criteria R1, R2, R3 and R4. The Evaluation Body found that the file does not provide a clear description of the element. Many activities, practices and rituals are mentioned, but without any information about their nature, social functions and cultural meanings.
The file focuses on the visibility and awareness of the element itself, pointing out the values of Boka Navy in connection with identity at the local level. The proposed safeguarding measures lack the measures directed at the possible threats mentioned as a result of tourism. The file does not provide any information about the mechanisms and methodology of the work with the communities involved with Boka Navy. Therefore, the Evaluation Body recommends that the Committee refers Boka Navy traditional maritime organisation to the submitting state.
Montenegro, as the country which pays significant attention to 2003 Convention, and the local community concerned with its dossier, appreciate the conclusion of the Evaluation Body which recognises the importance of Boka Navy and opens possibility for its inscription on the representative list in the future. Montenegrin cultural policy is in accordance with UNSECO conventions and other standards. For us, the ICH list is not the platform for competition and the local communities are not objects but the subjects of our concern and intensive cooperation. Having said that, we will carefully follow recommendation by the Evaluation Body and improve our dossier in order to submit it for the next cycle, Minister Boganović said.
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/5HocFxD-Nrs
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