- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković: As democratic state, Montenegro suppo...
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PM Marković: As democratic state, Montenegro supports fundamental human rights, condemns crimes of totalitarianism on ongoing basis
Published on: Dec 18, 2019 • 8:22 PM Author: PR Service
As a democratic state and a member of the United Nations, Montenegro supports fundamental human and civil rights in line with the UN Charter, it accepts all fundamental documents of the European Union and continuously condemns the crimes of totalitarianism, Prime Minister Marković underlined at today's Prime Minister's Question session, which took place in the Parliament.
Answering a question by Nebojša Medojević, MP from the Democratic Front, about whether Montenegro is ready to condemn the crimes of totalitarian regimes in accordance with the resolution 1481 (2006) of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and European Parliament resolution of 2 April 2009, the Prime Minister said that the system in the former Yugoslavia was not totalitarian.
"There is a high degree of agreement in political sciences about what totalitarian systems are. Yugoslav socialism, especially after its breakup with Stalin, and the introduction of the so-called socialist self-government, and the adoption of a non-aligned foreign policy, is generally not classified as totalitarian in credible political literature. You should know this, and I will name the authors of such publications. Thus, political science has never been in dispute about the one-party system of underdeveloped democracy, but the creation of an economic model of market socialism, complete freedom to travel and work abroad, a repulsive attitude toward the Soviet communism, openness to the Western cultural and civilisation influences, and especially the foreign policy orientation of the country made Tito's Yugoslavia viewed as an authoritarian rather than a totalitarian system," the Prime Minister underscored.
Speaking about the aforementioned the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly's Resolution, the Prime Minister said that the resolution, that strongly condemns the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes and mass violations of human rights, was passed so that no more than half of the MPs voted.
"Out of 317 MPs, 99 voted in favour of the Resolution, 42 were against it, while 12 MPs abstained and 164 MPs, more than half, did not vote. And to remind you, resolutions are never ratified, you should know that. It is important to bear in mind that at the time of the adoption of the said Resolution, in January 2006, Montenegro was still part of the state union with Serbia, and therefore, formally and legally, it cannot be considered as an independent signatory to the Resolution," said Prime Minister Duško Marković. He added that Montenegro was part of a state union with Serbia at the time of the adoption of this Resolution and has no formal obligation in this regard.
The Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro, as an independent state on 2 April 2009, supported the adoption of the Declaration on the European Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.
"Our country is part of the world's democratic civilisation corps, and a member state of the United Nations, MP Medojevic, and it has has proven to uphold fundamental human and civil rights under the UN Charter. Furthermore, in the accession process to the European Union, Montenegro accepts all EU fundamental documents and the views of its relevant institutions. In addition, Montenegro continually condemns the crimes of totalitarianism. We also share a judgment on a scientific approach to history that raises the dam on the European continent to create new forms of totalitarianism,” the Prime Minister said.
"Out of 317 MPs, 99 voted in favour of the Resolution, 42 were against it, while 12 MPs abstained and 164 MPs, more than half, did not vote. And to remind you, resolutions are never ratified, you should know that. It is important to bear in mind that at the time of the adoption of the said Resolution, in January 2006, Montenegro was still part of the state union with Serbia, and therefore, formally and legally, it cannot be considered as an independent signatory to the Resolution," said Prime Minister Duško Marković. He added that Montenegro was part of a state union with Serbia at the time of the adoption of this Resolution and has no formal obligation in this regard.
The Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro, as an independent state on 2 April 2009, supported the adoption of the Declaration on the European Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.
"Our country is part of the world's democratic civilisation corps, and a member state of the United Nations, MP Medojevic, and it has has proven to uphold fundamental human and civil rights under the UN Charter. Furthermore, in the accession process to the European Union, Montenegro accepts all EU fundamental documents and the views of its relevant institutions. In addition, Montenegro continually condemns the crimes of totalitarianism. We also share a judgment on a scientific approach to history that raises the dam on the European continent to create new forms of totalitarianism,” the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister stated that, when it comes to these issues, he would like to say a few words about monopoly, as the very opposite of a democratic and free society.
"Creating monopolies in all spheres of social relations limits the freedoms and rights of citizens. Thus, political or religious monopolies, that is, attempts to establish them, are in fact anti-civilisation, retrograde and anti-European. And given the historical facts and the dufficult and unjust fate of Montenegro, they are worse and more dangerous than those mentioned above. Quite simply, they are - usurpers. Unfortunately, in recent decades, we have often been able to witness the political and ideological rhetoric that favoured a revision of historical truths, that is, in support of positions contrary to the recommendations of the resolutions you are referring to. Unlike the politics of your party alliance, the state policy of Montenegro is always motivated by preserving multiethnic and multi-religious tolerance and reconciliation in all forms. In a word - ensuring equal rights for all its citizens,” said Prime Minister Duško Marković.
"Creating monopolies in all spheres of social relations limits the freedoms and rights of citizens. Thus, political or religious monopolies, that is, attempts to establish them, are in fact anti-civilisation, retrograde and anti-European. And given the historical facts and the dufficult and unjust fate of Montenegro, they are worse and more dangerous than those mentioned above. Quite simply, they are - usurpers. Unfortunately, in recent decades, we have often been able to witness the political and ideological rhetoric that favoured a revision of historical truths, that is, in support of positions contrary to the recommendations of the resolutions you are referring to. Unlike the politics of your party alliance, the state policy of Montenegro is always motivated by preserving multiethnic and multi-religious tolerance and reconciliation in all forms. In a word - ensuring equal rights for all its citizens,” said Prime Minister Duško Marković.
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