Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Press release: Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg

Published on: Jun 7, 2008 1:33 AM Author: Naslovna strana
Image 1: Press release: Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic today met with Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg.

Prime Minister Djukanovic expressed satisfaction with successful cooperation between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Europe aimed at promoting Montenegros democratic development. He noted that Montenegro, as the youngest CoE member, had demonstrated particular sensitivity towards responsibilities arising from membership of the oldest pan-European organization. Montenegros commitment to this goal has been confirmed by the Action Plan for the Fulfillment of Obligations in the Post-Accession Period. This confirms the maturity and capacity of the Montenegrin society to participate in multilateral international organizations. The Prime Minister recognized the opening of the Council of Europe Office in Podgorica and Montenegros Permanent Mission to Council of Europe as important infrastructural preconditions for better cooperation. Prime Minister Djukanovic also thanked Council of Europe bodies for their kind support in drafting the text of the Constitution of Montenegro and expressed his Governments openness to suggestions and recommendations aimed at shaping Montenegros legislation in line with CoE and EU standards.

The CoE Human Rights Commissioner thanked his host for the excellent organization of his teams working visit to Montenegro, the purpose of which was to estimate, through a standard procedure for all member states, the state of human rights and collect relevant information for the preparation of the CoE Report on the State of Human Rights in Montenegro. Mr Hammarberg described the first Constitution of independent Montenegro as a very good model for other countries, adding that he was particularly pleased that the Council of Europe had helped with its drafting. He underlined the importance of respecting the Constitution and preparing and adopting relevant legislation, as well as of adequate implementation of adopted legislation. By the same token, Mr Hammarberg expressed Council of Europes unreserved commitment to helping Montenegro strengthen the mechanisms facilitating the implementation of legislation. He commended recent judiciary reforms, particularly those aimed at achieving full autonomy of the judicial system.

Both parties welcomed the appointment of the Montenegrin judge to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, expressing an expectation that an agent representing Montenegros interests before the Court would soon be appointed. It was agreed that Montenegro had acceded to most key conventions of the Council of Europe, and Montenegros ratification of the few remaining treaties in the near future was recognized as a matter of common interest.
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