- Government of Montenegro
Minister Bogdanović in Berlin: Germany and Montene...
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Minister Bogdanović in Berlin: Germany and Montenegro share same values in fields of culture and media
Published on: Feb 11, 2020 • 5:47 PM Author: PR Service
"Montenegro and Germany share the same principles in terms of cultural development, as evidenced by the results of numerous projects that we have implemented together in the previous period," said Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanović in Berlin, during a meeting with Minister of State for Culture and the Media Monika Grütters.
Federal Minister Grütters said that the signing of the Agreement on Cultural, Scientific and Educational Cooperation between Montenegro and Germany would be a strong impetus for even more meaningful and dynamic communication between the two countries.
The meeting assessed that the cultural and creative industries are a powerful generator of economic development for every society. As Minister Bogdanović pointed out, the results in this area in Montenegro are encouraging, which is best evidenced by the more than successful Creative Montenegro Programme.
On this occasion, Minister Bogdanović asked Minister Grütters to select three artists from Germany to come to the first creative hub in Montenegro, which will be opened soon in Bar.
I believe that in this way we will further affirm and strengthen the cultural and overall cooperation between our friendly countries, Minister Bogdanović said.
Expressing her satisfaction at the invitation sent to German artists, Minister Grütters noted that the cultural and creative industries are an extremely important segment of the economy and that this sector now employs a large number of young people. The meeting showed that on the same basis, the modalities of future cooperation in the field of media should be defined.
Minister Bogdanović informed Minister Grütters about the reform processes that Montenegro is implementing in this area, which aim to strengthen media freedoms and encourage media pluralism. He pointed out that the current reform of media legislation is in line with the highest European standards, and that the new Media Law will strengthen the media scene in our country in every respect.
During his visit to Germany, Minister Bogdanović also met with Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office Michelle Müntefering and Cultural and Media Affairs Spokesperson for the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group Elisabeth Motschmann.
The focus of these meetings was the direction of future collaboration in the field of cinema and the creative industries. Minister Müntefering also emphasised that the creative industries are the real bridges between economy and culture and encouraged artistic exchanges between Montenegro and Germany in this area.
MP Motschmann emphasised the importance and need for the exchange of creative artistic ideas and said that Germany and Montenegro could achieve much by joining forces in the field of culture.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLjseyj
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