- Government of Montenegro
Paunović: Vraćenovići - Deleuša common border cros...
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Paunović: Vraćenovići - Deleuša common border crossing to be built
Published on: Feb 20, 2020 • 10:10 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (20 February 2020) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted a Report on conducting negotiations on the preparations for the conclusion of the Agreement amending the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on border crossings for border traffic with the Draft of the Agreement. The aim is to provide citizens of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina living in the border area, to more easily address their daily living needs and cross the state border out of borders, in the regime of border traffic at 18 border crossing points, President of the Border Commission Milan Paunović noted.
The Montenegrin Cabinet also passed the Proposal for conducting negotiations on conclusion of the Annex to the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Ministers of BiH on the implementation of border checks, at common border crossings with the Draft Annex to the Agreement. "We want to simplify the crossing of the state border and expect to negotiate and conclude this agreement in the early March," Milan Paunović pointed out. The Agreement foresees the opening of four common border crossings - two in the territory of Montenegro and two in the territory of BiH.
"We have the approval of the Government for crossing to be closed for a maximum of 90 days, i.e. no later than 1 June and the contractor is obliged to complete the works on the road within the aforementioned deadline, thus creating conditions for the re-establishment of border control and the establishment of common border control by the border services of Montenegro and BiH, after the completion of this border crossing construction," Milan Paunović stated.
For full press in Montenegrin, click here.
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