- Government of Montenegro
Press release: Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meet...
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Press release: Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets with Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar
Published on: Feb 2, 2009 • 8:11 PM Author: Naslovna strana

The Prime Minister expressed expectation that the European Union would observe the so-called regatta principle that every country of the Western Balkans should make progress in accordance with the results achieved. He added that, having filed applications for MAP and the EU candidacy status, Montenegro now expected that the continuity of the integration processes would be maintained throughout this year.
Having congratulated Montenegro on the extraordinary progress made after the independence, Slovenian Foreign Minister agreed with Prime Minister Djukanovic that further enlargement to the Western Balkans was in the best interest of the EU. He underlined that Slovenia would continue to encourage positive responses in EU and NATO institutions to Montenegrin initiatives for further integration, adding that it was very important to liberalize the visa regime in the course of this year.
Prime Minister Djukanovic and Minister Zbogar commended the level of economic cooperation between the two countries which was bound to become more significant in the coming period when every country would be facing the consequences of the global crises.
The continuity of top-level meetings between the two countries will be maintained in the coming months, when Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic is due to visit Slovenia at the invitation of Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor.
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