- Government of Montenegro
Montenegro is among leading European countries in ...
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Montenegro is among leading European countries in complying with ECHR judgments
Published on: Feb 28, 2020 • 5:34 PM Author: PR Service
We are very proud that Montenegro is among the leading European countries when it comes to executing and complying with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin said today in Podgorica during a meeting with President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos.
Deputy Prime Minister Pažin stressed that Montenegro will continue to fulfill all its obligations to the ECHR, being aware that full respect for human rights and freedoms is the foundation and pillar of the overall development and progress of every free and democratic society.
President of the European Court of Human Rights Sicilianos expressed satisfaction with the progress Montenegro has made in protecting human rights and freedoms and complying with the ECHR judgments.
The structure of the ECHR judgments, said DPM Pažin, points to continued progress in the development of the Montenegrin legal system, but also indicates that state authorities need to make additional efforts to ensure faster and more efficient exercise of the rights and freedoms of Montenegrin citizens.
"In the previous period, Montenegrin courts have significantly reduced the backlog and shortened the length of proceedings. However, certain judgments of the Strasbourg Court warn us that in a number of cases court proceedings have continued for far too long. I am pleased that this issue has been recognised in the Analysis of the Judgment of the European Court and that measures have been proposed to further improve the efficiency of judicial proceedings. We must not allow long-term proceedings to jeopardize the rights of Montenegrin citizens and undermine their confidence in the judiciary, because the authority of every court and every judge, to the greatest extent, rests on the trust of citizens" the Deputy Prime Minister said.
DPM Pažin stressed that Montenegro views all ECHR judgments not only as the satisfaction of justice in specific cases, but also as a significant contribution to the advancement of the Montenegrin legal system and to strengthening the capacity of national institutions to protect human rights and freedoms more effectively.
He considered it very significant that there was no judgment of the Strasbourg Court that would indicate a systematic violation of human rights, which clearly indicates the Montenegrin legal system's ability to ensure respect for the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms.
The meeting between was also attended by President of the Supreme Court of Montenegro Vesna Medenica.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLECKsL
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