- Government of Montenegro
RESPONSE: Vučić stepped up into internal affairs o...
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RESPONSE: Vučić stepped up into internal affairs of Montenegro again
Published on: Feb 29, 2020 • 6:04 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (29 February 2020) -- We inform President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić that the Serbian people in Montenegro are not a national minority, but an equal social factor, regarding his populist-political request "that Serbs (should) have those rights guaranteed to all other citizens who belong to smaller nations, compared to the majority one."
We recall him of our arrangement character as a civil, not a nation-state and the Montenegrin Constitution, as an expression of protection and preservation of political, legal and cultural status of all the nations living, in an independent Montenegro.
Vučić does not stop here, but states: "We demand for Serbs to have the rights, as Albanians have in North Macedonia."
We also remind him that the Serb community in Montenegro has refused to be a minority, thus preventing itself from exercising rights of the principle of positive discrimination, noting that such a possibility always remains as an option, in a democratic society.
Instead of pranking, the President of Serbia should make a deal and agree with "his" Serbs living in Montenegro, if they are for the concept of a Greater Serbia, which threatens peace and stability across the region, or they are for democratic coexistence with everyone who sees Montenegro as a home and a country.
Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
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