Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Technical details for asking questions at press conferences

Published on: Mar 18, 2020 7:12 PM Author: PR Service
Distinguished media representatives,

In order to comply with the temporary provisional health and safety measures, we inform you that henceforward press conferences will be held at the Institute for Public Health and journalists will ask questions online, as it has been already announced.

Press conferences broadcast live on TV CG and other televisions receive the signal.

Today, during the day, a system will be installed through which media conferences will also be broadcast on YouTube channel of the Government, so portals can broadcast.

Press conferences will be supported by means of the Cisco Webex Platform (

To access this platform, you need to have a Webex application installed on your device (which can be a computer, laptop, tablet or "smartphone"), which you can download from their official presentation 

Please download the application as soon as possible, because the pandemic has extended the registration period, due to the increased worldwide interest in video conferencing.

The application can be installed by anyone who wants it, so it can be installed on multiple platforms in one newsroom.

We will provide the media with a link to access the Press Conference today or tomorrow, through which you will be able to ask questions in Live Chat.

While activating the access link, you will be required to enter your first and last name, the name of the media you are coming from and the contact email address.

Priority in registration will be given to those addresses provided to us and then we will register others as well.

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