- Government of Montenegro
Keynote Speech of Prime Minister designate Milo D...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Keynote Speech of Prime Minister designate Milo Djukanovic in the Montenegrin Parliament on 9 June 2009
Published on: Jun 10, 2009 • 12:20 AM Author: Naslovna strana

Mr. President of the Parliament,
Distinguished Chair,
Honourable Members of Parliament,
A little more than a year ago in this high chamber I presented strategic goals and priority tasks of the Government whose mandate has been cut short due to the early Parliamentary election of 29 March.
Strategic goals are unchanged and they remain so both for the new and for future governments full integration in the EU and NATO. Regrettably, the circumstances have changed. Taking over at the helm of the Government on 28 February 2008 I said here I did so in the most favourable political and economic environment for the young Montenegrin State. No one at the time imagined that the world would today be faced with a financial and economic crisis of such proportions, whose depth and duration are unpredictable. Its fallout has not bypassed Montenegro, either. We knew that waiting was not a way out. This is why we decided to hold an early election in order that the Government may take on new challenges with a full mandate and continue with an even greater determination with activities conducive to early achievement of the strategic goals.

Over the past year Montenegro has made important strides forward towards its European and Euro-Atlantic integration. It was the first among the potential candidate states to submit last December its application for EU membership. Montenegro was also the first on whose application the EU Council of Ministers last April requested the European Commission to prepare an avis. We now have a more complex and a formidable job on our hands, which is to implement further reforms and fulfil all the obligations under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, including the trade-related provisions. This is the precondition for achieving the next, more demanding phase in our relationship with the EU a candidate status and starting accession negotiations.

We have made huge progress in Euro-Atlantic integration. This was confirmed at the recent NATO Anniversary Summit. Last year Montenegro joined the Intensified Dialogue and continued to meet its commitments under other programmes. It has also become a full member of the Adriatic Charter, an important regional mechanism for accelerating integration in NATO. The results achieved recommend Montenegro for an early membership of MAP. Basically this is a candidate status for the Alliance, a new important step forward in further harmonisation with international democratic, economic and security standards.


In general, over the past period, we have made good progress in harmonising the institutional, legislative and strategic framework with European standards and rules. These activities have been going on as part of successful implementation of the Interim Agreement and other obligations under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, coupled with an intensive dialogue and cooperation with the European Commission and other European partners. The European-integration-related administrative and coordinating structures have also been strengthened..
We are successfully implementing our obligations under the National Programme of Integration adopted in June 2008, which is focused not only on the SAA implementation, but also on harmonisation with the acquis communautaire. In this regard we are already working on further development of the NPI. We will continue to pursue further reforms by creating a European legislative and institutional framework and by implementing the already adopted legislation, while making projections of the human and financial resources needed. The NPI offers a good basis for our answers to the forthcoming EC Questionnaire, which comprises all areas of EU legislation, including both political and economic criteria. It also offers a good basis for defining negotiating positions for future accession talks.
A comprehensive and complex work still lies ahead in order to prepare good quality answers to the EC Questionnaire. This is arguably the biggest endeavour of the public administration before the accession negotiations. The Questionnaire is designed to provide a detailed insight into the overall state of the political, economic, legal and institutional framework. In view of this, it is very important that our answers are clear and comprehensive, that they include precise statistics and reflect the real situation on the ground. We have to show that we have a clear vision of how to reach our final goal from this point where we are now. And, also, the capacity to implement that vision. We have to demonstrate that we know which further measures we need to take and in accordance with which timetable and what they imply in terms of institutional and legislative framework, as well as human and financial resources. Because the EC avis on the Montenegrin application will include an assessment of the likely medium-term future development.
In parallel, we will continue to implement our obligations under the Interim Agreement and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

Strengthening an efficient rule of law is crucial to our overall development. It is, firstly, the basis for democratic and economic prosperity, which are mutually interdependent. We are used to talking of political democracy as the precondition for development. No less important is the market or, let me call it ownership democracy i.e. that as many citizens of Montenegro own a flat, land, shares, bonds and, in particular, businesses. Therefore in this regard, too, I wish to stress the importance of continuing reforms and building up capacity of all the institutions of the State and of the judiciary. This is the foundation for further and stronger results in fighting corruption and organised crime. The effects are visible already, both in terms of the-much-improved efficiency of the courts and in terms of the almost eliminated backlog of cases.
I would also like to underline the importance of further reform, capacity build-up and implementation of European standards in the field of statistics, planning and management of the territory, protection of the environment, standardisation, veterinary control and in regard of other institutions in general. No less important are activities conducive to furthering development of a Decentralised Implementation System (DIS) for managing the IPA funds, including components 3, 4 and 5 regional development; development of human resources; and rural development.
Given all the challenges and the complexity of the work ahead I believe that we have prepared ourselves well for the next, more advanced phase in our relationship with the EU.
On this road Montenegro will continue to be a stabilising factor in the region, contributing to regional stability and its European perspective. Indeed, regional cooperation is the precondition for progress towards the EU and NATO. You cannot aspire to a faster and more enhanced integration in the EU and at the same time demonstrate lack of readiness and lack of initiative to cooperate with your neighbours and resolve through dialogue any outstanding issues. At any rate regional cooperation is an evolutive process and it prepares us to successfully deal with obligations that membership of European and Euro-Atlantic structures implies. We are encouraged that Montenegro's constructive policy is appreciated at the highest levels in Europe and worldwide. We particularly appreciate that our contribution and such positions are valued by our neighbours. This is demonstrated by the fact that Montenegro has been trusted with chairing a series of regional initiatives in this and next year: CEFTA, Migration, Asylum and Refugee Regional Initiative (MARRI), Central European Initiative (CEI), South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII).
In the economic field we will conduct a policy of flexible continuity. We will continue with our underlying course based on an open market economy, private ownership, private capital and entrepreneurship. Now it is being pursued against the backdrop of two given circumstances: first, fulfilling the conditions for establishment of an enhanced relationship and full membership of the EU and NATO and second the economic crisis and globalisation. It goes without saying that integration is the way to achieve our final goal, not only of our economic policy, but of our overall development better quality of life for all our citizens. This means building a functioning market democracy a modern state that is at the service of its citizens and a reliable and respectable partner in the region, in Europe and in the international community.
The Government will develop an institutional framework stimulating a market economy that offers a level playing-field for all. At any rate, market is about contest, competition and combating monopoly. In this regard, too, strengthening the rule of law is essential. Our fight against crime, corruption and money laundering is the most important precondition, the prerequisite for a healthy functioning market. In a situation of corruption and crime, which always has to do with money, market signals are distorted. Therefore fight against corruption and organised crime is also the fight for a free market, a market free from such distortions.
The Government will systematically strive to keep improving conditions for business and investment and will do so using two main reform lanes: first, further improvement of the legal system efficiency to ensure full legal and property security of investors in Montenegro and second, creating a competitive edge and furthering economic freedoms in comparison to other, closer and more distant investment destinations. It is through economic freedoms the ease of starting a business that we will stimulate people to start businesses. Development of small and medium businesses is at the same time an efficient way to tackle poverty and inequality in the society, as well as unemployment. We need an entrepreneurial, creative economy, an institutional framework of legal security and a reduced administrative cost in the cost price of each product from Montenegro.
Nowadays more than before we are witnessing a fight of ideas and creativity against inertia, a fight of dynamism against lethargy, a fight of knowledge and vision against ignorance and underdevelopment. In order to be able to make the most of globalisation we must understand that it is globalisation that encourages local initiative, local product, and development of national culture. It also encourages a way of thinking and conduct that is at the core of the market philosophy: belief in oneself and responsibility for one's success or failure. Neither an individual, or family, company or a nation as a whole can prosper unless each and every one assumes responsibility for themselves and their livelihood. This is demonstrated by industrialized countries experience, too. Those who waited for someone else to ensure means of livelihood for them fared badly.
I am pleased that in Montenegro today we see a prevailing policy and thinking liberating us from a feeling of inferiority with respect to other countries, as well as various complexes that plagued us in the past. New generations are coming of age that know what their identity is, believe in Montenegro's progress and no longer think that we can only make progress as an appendix to others. The young generation of Montenegro does not have this kind of complex. That is why we ought to involve in politics as many young people as possible. And this applies to the highest public offices, too.
Since we do not want to lag behind, we must make sure there is more investment. Montenegro needs more and more capital and investment. Objectively, as a small country we do not have that much public money. The funding capacity of a small state like Montenegro is below the limit required in order to achieve an average European level of development. Developing the economy prevalently or solely based on borrowing is dangerous and irresponsible towards the generations to come. By doing so we would be limiting their freedom to determine the course of their lives and chose the optimal model for running the State. We must address this problem by making use of the European and international market in order to develop Montenegro. Therefore the question to pose to ourselves is the following : what do we do to attract reputable international investors to invest in Montenegro, or how do we make sure that a world buyer will buy our products? This is not a goal we can reach overnight, it is one that will take decades to achieve. But we must set out on this journey. This should be our vision in addressing the day-to-day, practical problems.
From our experience we know that inadequate knowledge is a constraint to project implementation. Investors want both good craftsmen and good accountants and good economists, engineers, lawyers and other professionals. But we do not have as many as are needed, so their jobs are being taken by people coming from other countries. This brings up the issue of our education system, its quality and the extent to which it responds to the needs of the market. Therefore we have to address this area in a more serious and in-depth fashion and taking a long-term view. Education has always been important, both for the individual and for the society, but for us never more so than today. The knowledge-based society that we talk of calls also for a high quality education system. And, of course, the education staff. Life-long education and a consistent application of the quality system are therefore an imperative.
In this context I would also like to mention public health. A citizen judges the performance of a state and its government by ease and quality when it comes to satisfying his health-related needs. We cannot say that things are not improving and that, given the current budget level, the amounts allocated for public health are small. Yet, the organisation, responsibility and efficiency can and should be object of constant improvement. The quality of our health service has to be improved. Besides, Montenegro has excellent c conditions for health-related tourism, as well as for development of specialized private facilities, whose services can attract people from outside Montenegro, too.
Basically, the economic policy will be based on the following: building-up an efficient system of the rule of law; efficiently performing public services; strengthening public and private partnership through transfer of public competences on to the private sector by concession agreements or by privatising some activities the state is inefficient in; optimising public expenditures and tax burden; reducing barriers to business and putting in place clear, transparent and business-oriented regulations; strengthening the financial system through clear rules and building-up the regulator capacity. The goal is to build a competitive economy that can take on increasing pressures from the competition on the European and world market.
We have to do all these things against the backdrop of the global crisis. In Montenegro, unlike in many European countries and even some leaders among emerging economies, we have managed to go through all the previous phases while maintaining macroeconomic stability and avoiding a recession trend in our gross domestic product. By our actions to date we have demonstrated that the Government has conducted a responsible policy that promptly and adequately responds to all the challenges of the crisis. It is also a policy that will enable us to act, figuratively speaking the day after the crisis is behind us, with a view to achieving the kind of economic growth we had until the end of last year.
In order to pre-empt and deal with the consequences of the crisis the Government has put in place a programme of measures, which reflects the characteristics of the small Montenegrin economy and is in line with our mid-term development strategy. We will continue with the measures to implement the privatisation agenda and restructure industrial facilities, coupled with an active welfare policy, given that the beginning of economic recovery is expected in the course of 2010.
What the above programme has achieved is that there are no drastic consequences either at the economic or at social level. There are no bankruptcies of enterprises and banks, nor any major fall in the employment rate. The Government will continue to take care of the interests and social security of the employees, in particular in large industries that are, due to the nature of their business, most affected by the crisis. The same applies to the pensioners and the vulnerable categories of the population. Although such interventions will have the constraints of economic logic and the obligation of harmonisation with the measures and rules of the EU, the Government must put in place efficient measures to ensure subsistence and maintain living standards of our citizens.
It is beyond doubt that we had problems even before the crisis and without the crisis. Just like all the countries of the world. Yet, the global crisis has exacerbated some problems, making the need to solve them more pressing. One should view the ongoing crisis realistically and practically. It calls for action and it should also be taken as an opportunity to disburden ourselves from many a thing that was dead weight. It is also our chance to do what we kept postponing, in particular in regard of economic restructuring. It is likewise an opportunity to launch new ideas, new products, acquire new knowledge, capture new markets. Hence my appeal to all, notably those who are business-oriented: only through new ideas, new knowledge, and new initiatives can we fight the crisis. The crisis calls for initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, as well as courage.
The fastest and the healthiest way out of the crisis is through development. The crisis will also highlight the quality of the investment opportunities Montenegro is offering. Likewise, it will highlight the quality of potential investors and business partners. Since those of the best mettle work and achieve results even against the backdrop of the crisis.
There is no unanimity as to the causes of the crisis, nor is there one single view on how it should be tackled. We live in a world in which the GDP is shrinking on an annual basis as much as 6%, which means that the shortfall of the world's output is 3,300 billion euros a year. This is more than all the assistance programmes combined implemented to date in all the countries of the world. According to an European Commission economic forecast of 4 May, the EU economy is projected to shrink by 4% compared to the 0.8% growth in 2008. This is coupled with expectations that the impact of fiscal and monetary stimulus measures will bring about some recovery in 2010.
As I have already pointed out, it is necessary to work even more efficiently in all areas from the internal market and sectoral policies to justice, freedom and security towards the adoption and adequate implementation of European standards.
Honourable Members of Parliament,
Under the given circumstances and based on the considerations above, the Government will take measures that provide the most rational response to the emerging challenges.
I will name some of them:
Stability of public finance
Over the past years, we have managed to execute a very important fiscal adjustment, resulting in a budget surplus and reduction of public debt to the level required by the Maastricht criteria. Stability of public finance has been achieved and a stimulating tax environment created. The effects of the global financial and economic crisis caused a temporary imbalance in public finance.
In the following four years, the temporary budget deficit needs to be eliminated and a balanced budget restored. This is particularly important since Montenegro is expecting considerable investment in infrastructure, which will help achieve the economys competitiveness and productivity in the long term. Namely, as of 2014 we will be required to make payments to the concessionaire for the construction of the Bar-Boljare Motorway. In addition, one should also take into account the level of internal debt incurred on different grounds, which will, for the most part, be serviced in the following eight years (frozen foreign exchange savings; restitution-related debt; outstanding payments to pensioners).
The level of public expenditures (central budget and funds) should be at around 35% of GDP and capital expenditures should account for 3% of that (municipalities not included). This will be put into practice through the forthcoming overhaul of the budget. Maintaining public expenditures at this level in the coming period also enables a long-term sustainable policy of low interest rates.
Restructuring, privatisation, infrastructure
The Government will pursue a policy that will lead to the finalization or imminent completion of the privatization process in this term of office.
With regard to restructuring, the Government will support the optimization of major systems, such as KAP and the Ironworks, in order to provide for their short-term stability and long-term sustainability. In this context, it is vital that new labour legislation should be implemented and active employment policy projects carried out. The same applies to creating conditions for the realisation of major infrastructure activities.
The restructuring of the ownership of the Electric Power Company of Montenegro, through the process of capital increase, is of multiple importance. The fresh capital generated through this transaction enables further development activities even at the time of crisis. On the other hand, EPCGs financial reinforcement, together with the introduction of new managerial techniques and reliance on the strategic potentials of the new partner, will enable EPCG to become, in competitive market conditions, a key factor in the implementation of the vital projects envisaged by the Energy Development Strategy. The Government plans to have this transaction and the signing of the agreement completed by end of 2009.
The energy sector is not only a precondition for the development of other economic assets, but also an opportunity in itself to generate new income, new major investments and jobs. Together with tourism, the energy sector is a strategic branch of the Montenegrin economy. The projects for the construction of hydropower plants on the Moraca River, the Komarnica Hydropower Plant project and a series of small power plants and wind generators play a decisive role in Montenegros efforts to become a serious producer of electricity in the region. The same refers to the project of building Maoc Thermal Power Plant and further exploration for oil and gas in the Montenegrin seabed.
It is necessary to improve the physical infrastructure that is a constraint to continued vibrant and sustainable economic growth. Modernization of road, railroad, port and aerial infrastructure is a priority task. The same applies to investment in utility infrastructure. The right models to achieve this include private-public partnerships, concession arrangements and privatization of water and utility companies.
The construction of a motorway from Bar to Boljare is of strategic and manifold importance. The Government endorsed the concession agreement with the best bidder in an international tender, a Croatian construction consortium, which was signed today. The agreement defines all the aspects of designing, financing, building, managing and maintaining the motorway. We expect the practical implementation of the project to start in the course of this year.
I would like to underline in particular the completion of the Risan-Niksic-Zabljak Road; as well as the Bjelasica-Komovi project, which provides a development opportunity for the north of Montenegro. We in the government have recognized the need to address this challenge by preparing a Physical Plan for Specific Purpose Areas, referring to sites of wider importance to the state. The employment of the worlds most reputable companies specialising in physical planning, winter tourism and environmental protection leaves us confident that all the sites in the Bjelasica and Komovi area would be adequately planned. After the drafting and adoption of the Plan, which is expected by the end of 2009, we will obtain a detailed elaboration for these sites and create conditions for investment. In addition to a number of other activities and projects, this will be a practical evidence of the Governments true commitment to balanced regional development.
Structural reforms and development
One of the key objectives facing this Government will be the continuation of structural reforms, as the groundwork for a vibrant and sustainable economic growth, which does not only involve high rates of cumulative GDP growth. First and foremost, it is qualitative changes in the structure of our economy that are necessary, in order to increase its competitiveness. Our integration into the EU means the development of a functioning market economy which would be able to tackle the growing competitive pressures in Europes integrated market. The importance of these changes should also be looked upon from another important perspective: they should be treated in the context of resolving the biggest problem the Montenegrin economy is currently facing balance of trade deficit. Although it is largely a result of the substantial inflow of investment over the past three years, it also stems from insufficient adjustment and lack of competitiveness of our economy, as well as inadequate use of assets which are abundant in Montenegro. By no means an easy task facing this Government, and the whole of economy as well, involves a dedicated work on developing in Montenegro the kind of economic structure that will be export-competitive. Tourism and services, by all means, remain our priority, but we also need to work to supplement our economic image and try to produce as many products in Montenegro whose quality and level of processing will enable them to compete on equal terms in a wider market.
We have worked successfully for years to harmonise our institutional and legal framework with the rules and standards of the EU. We now need to focus much more on the quality of integration, i.e. the adoption of standards, in order to make the best use of the opportunities of the European market, which have been available since the entry into force of the Interim Agreement. Building the capacity to make the best use of the advantages of the European market as soon as possible should be the backbone of every companys development and a starting point for every individual.
Honourable Members of Parliament,
As I have already said, the substance of this Governments programme is dedicated to meeting all the requirements for full integration into the EU and NATO. This also applies to the responsibilities arising from Montenegros membership of international organizations, economic and financial institutions. This practically means that there is not a single element of social life or state responsibility that will remain unattended by this Government, in order to ensure that at the end of the next four years term European standards have been fully met. We have a lot of work and many challenges ahead of us. I expect the Parliament and all other elements of the society to provide their contribution to the realisation of our certain European future. With this conviction, I expect your support for the activities presented in the Governments programme.
In accordance with the commitments presented in the programme and Article 103 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of Montenegro, I hereby propose the following composition of the Government:
- Deputy Prime Minister in charge of international economic cooperation, structural reforms and promotion of business environment, also the Minister of Finance, IGOR LUKSIC PhD, a graduate economist, born in 1976, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance;
- Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the political system, internal and international trade, SVETOZAR MAROVIC, graduate lawyer, born in 1955, former President of the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro and President of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Vice-President of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro;
- Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic policy and financial system, also the Minister for Information Society, Prof VUJICA LAZOVIC PhD, a graduate economist, born in 1963, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Information Society;
- Minister of Foreign Affairs, MILAN ROCEN, graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, born in 1950, former Minister of Foreign Affairs;
- Minister of Justice, MIRAS RADOVIC, a graduate lawyer, born in 1959, former Minister of Justice;
- Minister of Defence, BORO VUCINIC Msc, a graduate lawyer, born in 1954, former Minister of Defence;
- Minister of Interior Affairs and Public Administration, IVAN BRAJOVIC, a graduate engineer, born in 1962, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party;
- Minister for European Integration, Prof GORDANA DJUROVIC PhD, a graduate economist, born in 1964, former Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration;
- Minister for Human and Minority Rights, FERHAT DINOSA, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, born in 1954, President of the Democratic Union of Albanians;
- Minister of Education and Science, Prof SRETEN SKULETIC PhD, graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, born in 1949, former Minister of Education and Science;
- Minister of Health, MIODRAG RADUNOVIC MD, graduated from the Medical Faculty, born in 1959, former Minister of Health, Labour and Social Welfare;
- Minister of Labour and Social Welfare SUAD NUMANOVIC MD, graduated from the Medical Faculty, born in 1960, former Minister without Portfolio;
- Minister for Physical Development and Environmental Protection, BRANIMIR GVOZDENOVIC, a graduate engineer, born in 1961, former Minister for Economic Development;
- Minister of Economy, BRANKO VUJOVIC, a graduate engineer, born in 1951, former Director of the Agency for Restructuring and Foreign Investment of Montenegro;
- Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications, Prof ANDRIJA LOMPAR PhD, a graduate engineer, born in 1956, former Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications;
- Minister of Tourism, PREDRAG NENEZIC, a graduate economist, born in 1970, former Minister of Tourism and Environmental Protection;
- Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, MILUTIN SIMOVIC PhD, graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, born in 1961, former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management;
- Minister of Culture, Sports and Media, Prof BRANISLAV MICUNOVIC, graduated from the Faculty of Drama Arts, born in 1952, former Minister of Culture, Sports and Media;
- Minister without Portfolio, RAFET HUSOVIC, graduated from the Faculty of Science, born in 1964, President of the Bosniak Party, and
- Minister without Portfolio, SLAVOLJUB STIJEPOVIĆ, a graduate lawyer, born in 1959, former Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro.
Thank you for your attention and I ask you to accept the proposed programme and composition of the Government of Montenegro.
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