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3D printing in support for fight against Covid-19

Published on: Mar 24, 2020 3:52 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (24 March 2020) -- As the Coronavirus pandemic is spreading globally, we notice that countries are applying different restrictions regarding travel restrictions, social distance measures and work-from-home rules. The health care systems of the most developed countries become overloaded with the COVID -19. The shortage of medical supplies has become one of the main problems. 

In order to give their contribution, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, Nikšić – based Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Tehnopolis and Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, with the support of the Ministry of Science, came up with the idea to use the capacities of 3D printers at their disposal and start printing certain segments of protective equipment and of spare parts, which will be available to the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro. It was decided to print prototypes based on the 3D models available: respirator masks along with tubing, HEPA filter protective masks and protective visors. Upon the Institute for Public Health verifies the components, the partners aforementioned will be engaged to the fullest extent to utilise all their available capacities, to provide a number of these items to the Institute for Public Health.

For full press in Montenegrin, click here

Ministry of Science 
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