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National Coordination Body President Simović at Co...
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National Coordination Body President Simović at Collegium of President of Parliament: All our activities are focused on preserving public health
Published on: Mar 28, 2020 • 12:00 AM Author: PR Service
President of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases Milutin Simović took part today in the work of the Collegium of the Parliament of Montenegro regarding Montenegro's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Statement by the President of the National Coordination Body:
Distinguished Speaker of the Parliament,
Distinguished Vice-Presidents,
Honourable MPs,
A common concern brought us together today, a concern that transcends all others, political and economic and social and each other.
Today, we are here together because we care and jointly struggle for the health of the citizens of Montenegro, facing one of the biggest global health challenges.
After China reported the disease on 31 December last year to the WHO, and on 7 January the epidemic began spreading across the globe when a novel coronavirus was identified. On 24 January, the first case in Europe was confirmed.
Immediately afterwards, the Government launched all mechanisms and institutions to prepare for this global challenge in a timely manner.
A National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases has been established, composed of healthcare professionals and representatives of all relevant institutions.
We started adopting orders on 28 February and to date have adopted 73 measures. i.e. orders, and 19 recommendations. We have adopted every measure decisively and effectively, with full cooperation of the healthcare representatives and with full respect for WHO recommendations.
Dr Hans Kluge, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, during our conversation three days ago, expressed his full support for the content and dynamics of the comprehensive and numerous measures adopted.
He also gave a clear answer to my question whether too little or too much is being done. He said nothing was too much in situations like these.
At the same time, we formed six operational staffs to provide best response to the scale of the crisis:
1. Operational staff to coordinate the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, as the initial and key staff at this stage, as well as
2. Operational staff for implementation of activities related to the return of Montenegrin citizens from abroad. Subsequently, operational staffs were formed
3. to support the economy for the duration of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus
4. to withdraw international support funds
5. to manage donations and
6. Crisis Medical Staff, as the most important and necessary in the days ahead of us.
More than 100 members are involved in the work of the National Cooperation Body and operational staffs, and at the operational level, tens of thousands (medical workers, members of the police, armed forces, inspection services, public utility services, numerous other institutions, numerous volunteers and others).
Thanks to all of these activities, which we began to carry out LONG BEFORE OTHERS, in the moments when we did not have a registered virus disease in our country, Montenegro remained the last country in Europe where the virus was detected and its spread slowed down considerably.
We must not think what would happen if one of the measures were delayed, or if we hesitated to adopt them.
We have adopted a number of difficult measures. Difficult, because we knew that one order suggested that many employees were temporarily leaving their jobs. Difficult, because behind each of them lies a unique life story and needs. We know that many of our fellow citizens have daily existential concerns. But there was no choice. The health and lives of our citizens have been and will always be priority.
We have been resolute, and today in the Parliament, we urge you to jointly achieve this.
Together until victory.
And we will win.
In order to support citizens and the economy, the Government, alongside the Central Bank of Montenegro and the Investment Development Fund, created the first package of socio-economic measures. You will receive detailed information from the Minister of Finance.
The extent of this crisis is still unclear, but what is certain is that its consequences will be felt by the whole world.
Difficult challenges have triggered an avalanche of solidarity from numerous individuals and business people from Montenegro, recognisable foreign investors, people from our big diaspora, our athletes and many others.
I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone.
In addition to all these activities, the Government Team, with the strong support of the UN system in Montenegro, has been working these days on the preparation of the COVID 19 National Preparedness and Response Plan. Just yesterday, a comprehensive National Plan worth EUR 59 million was finalized. The plan identifies critical needs in 10 key components: from urgent responses to addressing the socio-economic challenges that this pandemic will leave behind.
Our idea is to make this National Plan a platform to provide support not only through the UN Global Preparedness and Response Fund, but also as an instrument for coordination and action of all our other international and other partners to support our national efforts to respond to the pandemic. To that end, we already have daily communication with the WHO, support from the European Commission provided as part of the emergency measures, and their comprehensive support package is being prepared. Numerous bilateral support projects have also been launched.
This pandemic has also been a major test of the global and regional commitment to values underpinning the international order: solidarity and cooperation. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a number of decisions at the regional and wider level that were lacking in both. Certainly, it is a warning and a topic for future talks.
Montenegro is active these days in terms of cooperation. The Prime Minister has already launched initiatives in this direction. Montenegro wants to be, as before, the initiator and address of such initiatives. We have demonstrated this again these days with messages from the Government that Montenegro does not want to close its borders. It does not want to impede and stop the traffic of goods. On the contrary! We have made our port capacities available to the region and beyond.
At the national level, numerous constructive proposals and suggestions have helped to create numerous measures. We have treated each of them extremely responsibly and accepted them to the extent possible.
Therefore, today we announce that every initiative, every reflection and every outstretched hand of support is welcome. This is a fight for all of us, for all citizens of Montenegro!
Honourable MPs,
After the first death on 22 March, an increase in the number of infected people and the introduction of new measures, the situation began to change from hour to hour.
On 25 March, we received the disturbing results of analyzes in Tuzi, a cluster of 15 newly confirmed patients.
From just one patient, within two days, we had 25 cases that all potentially carry the possibility for further spread of the virus. We reacted immediately. We have taken measures to prohibit the exit from housing facilities and the territory of the Municipality of Tuzi.
Again, I would like to emphasise that the National Coordination Body adopted this measure in full cooperation with local self-government, and together we made numerous efforts to make it as bearable as possible for the citizens. On this occasion, I want to show respect to the citizens of Tuzi who have realized that only in this way can they protect themselves and their loved ones.
We paid special attention to the media throughout this period. From day one we have shared all the information with the aim of informing the public in a timely and objective manner.
We had an understanding of most media. Unfortunately, some of the media, already widely recognized as platforms aimed against the state, have remained persistent in their dishonourable mission. I have nothing more to say on this subject. It will be noted and remembered that nothing is sacred to them, not even the health and lives of citizens.
On this occasion, I would particularly like to point to the day-to-day efforts that our healthcare professionals invest and will invest in the coming days. They are on the first line of defence and are a vital link in the fight against the pandemic.
We undertake continuous activities to help them and to keep part of the medical staff on alert beyond the reach of infection.
Within the Crisis Medical Staff, we have formed special teams working to establish temporary hospitals and respiratory centers.
We work intensively on the urgent procurement of medical and protective equipment and supplies in an unprecedentedly difficult market environment when the situation changes from hour to hour. Tomorrow we will witness the delivery of significant quantities of medical equipment that will be shipped to Montenegro from Montenegro's friends and through commercial procurement.
No healthcare system in the world is even remotely prepared for a large-scale pandemic.
Support for our doctors and medical professionals is shown every step of the way, but at the same time, we are scared by the fact that the "enemy" has never been more insidious, inconvenient and unknown. Therefore, we must be even more determined, stronger and united, because only in this way will we emerge from this fight as victors.
I am sorry that the healthcare professionals were not invited today so that their voice is heard in the Parliament as another confirmation that we have built strong and credible healthcare institutions in Montenegro, with competent and dedicated employees.
The Government will continue to be committed to gathering and strengthening all our potentials, because this is a fight we must all win together. In the coming days, great temptations await us. We believe that with the support of our international partners, we will provide all the necessary responses.
All activities in the country in the coming days, as before, will be aimed at the most important goal - preserving public health. Public health is now the priority and it is most vulnerable. Everything else can be recovered later!
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmMdcuBd
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