- Government of Montenegro
National Coordination Body agrees to extend applic...
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National Coordination Body agrees to extend application of several temporary measures
Published on: Apr 16, 2020 • 3:42 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (15 April 2020) -- The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases agreed to extend the application of several temporary measures adopted in last month and earlier this month, in order to protect the health and lives of citizens.
The temporary measures, whose application is extended until 30 April, are as follows:
1) prohibition for foreigners to enter the country, except foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro and foreigners who operate motor vehicles used for traffic of goods.
The traffic of goods for the needs of Montenegro and for transit remains unhindered, with special measures of health and sanitary control;
2) compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin nationals, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the health and sanitary inspection;
Self-isolation means staying in family household, while the health status of this person, as well as all members of the household is monitored by the competent hygienic and epidemiological service, for 14 days;
3) ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for the registered guests
4) closure of disco clubs/bars and nightclubs/bars;
5) closure of catering facilities - cafes, pubs, cafeterias, restaurants and bars, except catering facilities that deliver food and offer takeout, with a ban on the stay of guests in the facilities;
6) ban on providing shopping and catering services in shopping malls;
7) closure of children's playrooms;
8) closure of fitness centres;
9) closure of casinos, betting shops and gambling houses;
10) limiting the number of customers, based on the area of the retail outlet – only one person on 10 square meters. Regardless of the area, no more than 50 consumers are allowed to be in a retail outlet at the same time.
Exceptions are farmer's markets and bazaars, where the number of customers who can be in the facility at the same time is limited to 100;
11) responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to maintain distance of at least 2 meters between people in front of the facility, cash registers or sectors where goods are served by employees;
12) responsible persons in trade facilities are obliged to ensure for their employees the implementation of health and protection measures prescribed by the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro;
13) responsible persons in the trade facilities are obliged to display at the entrance of the facility notice on the maximum number of persons allowed to enter the facility at the same and to organise the implementation of this measure;
14) municipalities, the Capital City and the Old Royal Capital are obliged to identify, in cooperation with the municipal crisis staffs, potential facilities which would be used for the implementation of quarantine measures, in line with the Rulebook on closer conditions and methods for organising and implementing health surveillance and quarantine and the conditions that the quarantine facilities must meet (Official Gazette of Montenegro 13/20) and propose to the Ministry of Health for further quarantine determination procedure.
15) ban on leaving the housing facility for citizens, from Monday to Friday, from 7pm to 5am the following day, and Saturday from 1pm to 5am on Monday. Exceptionally, for the duration of this ban, persons who take their pets out for a walk may stay in the public place for up to 60 minutes.
This prohibition does not apply to persons who carry out regular tasks in the activities allowed by orders, to employees in diplomatic and consular posts, to persons who provide services of public interest and who are an indispensable condition of life and work of citizens (health, inspection bodies, police, military, fire services, utilities, media - including persons coming to media shows, agricultural activities on farms, etc.), as evidenced by certificate issued by the employer, as well as to persons who take care for persons who, due to illness, condition or consequence of the injury, are incapable of performing daily life activities independently, as evidenced by the certificate issued by the chosen doctor of these persons.
16) ban on being outdoor in an open public place, from 5am to 7pm hours for children under the 12 years of age, without the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, breadwinner or other adult member of the family household, with the obligation to observe the prescribed distance measure from other persons for at least two meters;
17) prohibition of sports and recreational activities in all public places;
18) prohibition of gathering in the residential facilities for persons who are not members of the common family household.
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