- Government of Montenegro
Press release on Cabinet's decisions made without ...
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Press release on Cabinet's decisions made without holding a session
Published on: Apr 17, 2020 • 2:20 AM Author: PR Service
The Montenegrin Cabinet, without holding a session, based on the obtained consent of the majority of Cabinet members, adopted the Decree on the Termination of the Decree on the Manner and Procedure for Submission of State Aid Application. The Decree was abolished because, in accordance with the Law on State Aid Control, the Ministry of Finance adopted the Rule book on the manner of submitting the application and the form of the application for state aid.
The Twenty-Fourth Quarterly Report on Overall Activities in the Process of Integration of Montenegro into the European Union for the Period October - December 2019 was adopted. The Report covers the most important events in Montenegro's accession process, related to the political dialogue of Montenegro with the European Union, negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the EU, informing the public about the process of accession to the Union, activities of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, harmonisation of Montenegrin legislation with the acquis and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA. The Report is forwarded to the members of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, with the aim of exchanging views on current topics and challenges of the negotiation process.
The Cabinet adopted the Twelfth Semi-Annual Report on the overall activities within the process of integration of Montenegro into the European Union for the period July - December 2019. The Report covers the most important activities from Montenegro's accession process, related to the progress in the negotiation process, negotiations in chapters 23 and 24 and Montenegro's political dialogue with the European Union. The focus of the Report is on the recommendations of the Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee, and the document also contains information on commitments made in the context of the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Pursuant to the Resolution on the Method, Quality and Dynamics of the Integration Process of Montenegro into the European Union, the Report is forwarded to the Parliament of Montenegro, which, at its regular sessions, reviews semi-annual reports on the progress of the European integration process of Montenegro.
The Cabinet adopted the First Quarterly Report on Implementation of the Accession Programme of Montenegro to the European Union 2020-2022. The structure of the Report provides insight into the implementation of commitments by institution and by chapter of the acquis. In the first quarter of 2020, out of a total of 43 commitments, 22 were fulfilled or 51 percent. Of the 26 laws and by-laws, 12 or 46 percent were implemented. Also, out of 17 strategy documents, 10 were completed or 59 percent.
The Decision on the Amount of Compensation for a Member of the Armed Forces of Montenegro for Participation in NATO Mission in the Republic of Iraq (NATO MISSION IRAQ - NMI) was adopted. Up to two members of the Montenegrin Armed Forces will be deployed to the NATO Mission in the Republic of Iraq (NATO MISSION IRAQ - NMI). Taking into account the security and geographical conditions under which this mission is conducted, it is foreseen that the compensation of the members of the Montenegrin Armed Forces shall be EUR 100.00 per day.
The Cabinet adopted the 2020 Plan on Water Concession and the Report on the Forest Health Assessment and Sustainability.
The Information on the status of the kindergarten construction project in settlement Blok V was adopted. The estimated value of the construction is about EUR two million. In order to increase the capacity of pre-school institutions in Montenegro, the Government signed a Credit Agreement with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in January 2014 for the purpose of constructing and reconstructing kindergarten facilities. The total value of this loan arrangement is EUR 10 million (excluding VAT), while the total value of the project with state participation is around EUR 17 million.
The Cabinet adopted the 2019 Tax Policy Implementation Report. The Report shows the gross collection realized by the Tax Administration and the Customs Administration, which totaled approximately EUR two billion, and increased by 7.0 percent compared to 2018. The Tax Administration's gross collection in 2019 was approximately EUR 1.2 billion, an increase of 8.4 percent compared to 2018. The Customs Administration's gross collection in 2019 amounted to EUR 819.8 million, which is an increase of 5.2 percent compared to 2018.
The Report on the Implementation of the Programme for Construction, Maintenance, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Railway Infrastructure for 2019 was adopted. The Report shows that in 2019 a total of EUR 18,120,071.36 was spent on the maintenance, reconstruction and modernisation of railway infrastructure.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the First Fact Finding Report prepared by the independent audit firm Crowe MNE regarding the implementation of the project for the construction of the hotel Kolašin Resort & Spa in Kolašin. The Cabinet tasked the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism to urge the joint stock company Kolašin Resort & Spa to start the construction of the hotel as soon as possible.
The Cabinet adopted the Annual Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action Plan on the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security (2019-2022) in 2019. The Action Plan prioritises the continuation of the implementation of the three main strategic goals for implementing UNSCR 1325, which are: increasing women's participation in decision-making and peace processes, protecting women and girls in conflict zones and integrating gender perspectives and gender education into peacekeeping operations. Out of the total of 37 activities, 25 or 67.56 percent were fulfilled, eight activities or 21.62 percent were partially fulfilled, while four activities were not fulfilled, or 10.81 percent.
The Ministry of Economy's 2019 Performance Report was adopted. The Government of Montenegro's Work Programme for 2019 established a total of 55 obligations of the Ministry of Economy. The report shows that 52 commitments have been successfully implemented or 94.5 percent, while the implementation of other commitments is foreseen in 2020.
The Cabinet adopted the 2019 Performance Report of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and Administration Bodies. The total level of realization of activities envisaged by the Programme for 2019 is 78 percent. Of the total of 217 defined activities, 170 were completed in total, 19 were partially realized, and 28 remained unrealized.
The 2019 Ministry of Science's Performance Report was also adopted. The Report stated that the Ministry of Science marked the last year by adopting the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3.me), which shows that Montenegro is following the development of policies at EU level.
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