- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković at PMQs: Government works actively to ...
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PM Marković at PMQs: Government works actively to minimize pandemic's consequences to motorway project
Published on: Apr 30, 2020 • 2:02 AM Author: PR Service
Prime Minister Duško Marković noted, during the Prime Minister's Questions, that the essential facts are reflected in works on the first section of the motorway that were a generator of economic growth and newly created jobs, and in the safe and quality works, which are much more important than deadlines.
Responding to a question by Aleksandar Damjanović from the Caucus of Independent MP, Prime Minister Marković emphasised that even in the circumstances of fight against the Covid - 19 pandemic, the capital projects, first of all, the most important of them - the Bar-Boljare motorway, in no case are ignored. Thanks to the measures taken, Montenegro is today ranked among the countries that are more successful than others in dealing with the pandemic of the virus, with a full commitment to taking the necessary and timely measures in every segment of life, in order to mitigate the effects of the crisis.
Recalling that construction began on 11 May 2015, with the agreed deadline for implementation period of 48 months, which was extended until 30 September 2020, that this date is currently, in accordance with the Agreement on Design and Construction, the agreed deadline for completion of works that is not extended in the contractual procedure, the Prime Minister rejected as premature and essentially unsustainable assessment on serious delay, bearing in mind that 87% of the works have been completed so far.
In support of global impact of coronavirus on projects around the world is the fact that the effects of the pandemic are also monitored and interpreted by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), while providing appropriate guidance to investors, contractors and consultants.
For full press release in Montenegrin, please click here.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmMTt2xF
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/1gI_5faMwtE
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