- Government of Montenegro
National Coordination Body: Imminent opening of Mo...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
National Coordination Body: Imminent opening of Montenegrin airports for general aviation traffic
Published on: May 19, 2020 • 12:17 AM Author: PR Service
The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, within the framework of creating preconditions for the beginning of the summer tourist season, has reached a decision to open our airports for general aviation flights to Montenegro and from Montenegro. The competent entities are in charge of issuing the appropriate instructions and orders tomorrow.
After reviewing the report on the epidemiological situation in Montenegro, the National Coordination Body, at a session chaired by its President Milutin Simović, expressed serious concern about public gatherings that are banned due to the high epidemiological risk. Such gatherings, it was assessed, endanger the achieved result and the necessary recovery of the Montenegrin economy.
Consent was given to change the appropriate orders of the Ministry of Health in order to abolish the application of temporary measures prohibiting sports activities in public areas and gathering in residential buildings of persons who are not members of the family household.
Several cases of our citizens who are abroad and want to return to Montenegro were also considered. Emphasising that since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Montenegro, about 17,000 of our citizens have been successfully returned thanks to the activities of the competent authorities, the National Coordination Body confirms its determination to return all our citizens who want it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of continuously searching for the solution of the return to Montenegro of our citizens who are on cruise ships.
The National Coordination Body once again warns our citizens not to go to Montenegro in passenger vehicles without prior coordination with our diplomatic and consular missions and reminds that all persons entering Montenegro, regardless of the method and place of entry and other circumstances must spend 14 days in quarantine.
Considering the remarks of several of our seafarers, the National Coordination Body reminded that the same rule applies to seafarers as to other citizens, and that after the obligatory two weeks of quarantine and obtaining a negative PCR test result, the obligation of isolation ceases.
A regular weekly Report on donations was adopted.
Two months since the opening, more than EUR 8 million have been paid into the National Coordination Body's account from the country and abroad.
By 18 May at 9:00 a.m., EUR 7,999,630.21 and $ 75,971.72 had been paid. (Weekly outflow overview can be downloaded here.)
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmNhSm1q
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