- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković at PMQs: Attempts to endanger Monteneg...
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PM Marković at PMQs: Attempts to endanger Montenegro are not more frequent today but only more visible, every attack on state will be sanctioned decisively and efficiently
Published on: May 27, 2020 • 8:00 PM Author: PR Service
Every attempt to endanger peace, stability, and especially the independence and civil society of Montenegro – is in vain and any attempt of destruction and destabilization will be sanctioned in accordance with the Constitution and the law, decisively and efficiently - said Prime Minister Duško Marković.
Answering to the question by the MP Group of the Democratic Party of Socialists, within the Prime Minister's Question, what is the Government's response to the increasing attempts of external and internal political factors to endanger peace, stability, independence, democracy and civil society of Montenegro, the Prime Minister said that attempts are not more frequent but are now only more visible because they reflect the panic of a new inevitable defeat, and the awareness of the failed destruction, destabilization and nervousness because the success of our policy lies in development and European democratic standards, on which they turned their backs long ago.
"Every attempt to endanger peace, stability, and especially the independence and civil society of Montenegro - is in vain. They are more in vain than assaults (I intentionally say assaults, not attempts, because attempts are a mild word for everything we faced) in 1997/98, in 1999/2000, in 2006 and in 2016. And I will tell you why. Because in those years, especially in the last century, Montenegro was the least developed country of the former Yugoslavia. A country of insufficient traffic and overall infrastructure, administratively undeveloped, with governance centers that have always been outside our territory. The country that was economically neglected, with constant efforts of its cultural and state marginalization. But with the will and determination to take its destiny into its own hands, and correct the historical injustice in a way that will restore its independence. Back in 1997, we decided that our path would not be a path of conflict, confrontation and the fight for other people's ideals. But the path of development and prosperity for the good of all our citizens. In the decade that followed, that commitment has risen to the point that decided that the vote YES on referendum would resonate so strongly and decisively for its state, that it was greeted by the entire democratic and civilized world. And it was not a defiance to anyone, nor a victory to anyone. In today's times, in modern Montenegro - there cannot and must not be winners and losers "- said the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister said that our country, with all opposition has become a member of NATO and that it is not just a matter of political and military alliance, but essential protection of our territory and borders, guaranteed by the world's most powerful states and confirmation of our internal capacities and institutions.
"Any attempt of destruction and destabilization will be sanctioned in accordance with the Constitution and the law. Decisively and efficiently. Because Montenegro is not what it was ten or twenty years ago. Because Montenegro, on the global scene, is no longer alone or left to itself, " said Prime Minister Duško Marković.
The Prime Minister emphasised that our results speak for themselves, noting that the development is seen everywhere. He stressed that in 2006 Montenegro had 31 high-class hotels, and in 2016 this number increased to 141, i.e. to 208 high-class hotels we have now. He pointed to today's export-oriented energy sector in which, only in this mandate, production capacities have increased by about 12%, as well as submarine cable to Italy - the largest energy infrastructure in the Mediterranean. The Prime Minister said that over EUR 620 million have been invested in the transport infrastructure, of which a third of that money was invested in the mandate of this Government.
PHOTO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmNtv9gC
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/d4F_2IcP0-Y
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