Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Members underline importance of facilitating safe agri-food trade in times of crisis

Published on: Jul 1, 2020 6:22 PM Author: Ministarstvo ekonomije
WTO members stressed the importance of providing a coordinated response to global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring that trade in agricultural and food products is not unduly restricted at a meeting of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures on 24 June. The meeting began with a session dedicated to COVID-19 information-sharing. Members commended the extensive work of the WTO Secretariat in compiling SPS measures implemented since the start of the pandemic. Almost half of these measures facilitate trade, with increased use of electronic certification.
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