- Government of Montenegro
National Coordination Body: In Podgorica, masks bo...
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National Coordination Body: In Podgorica, masks both outdoors and indoors
Published on: Jul 17, 2020 • 4:01 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (16 July 2020) -- Considering the epidemiological situation in Podgorica, the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today's session chaired by National Coordination Body President Milutin Simović, agreed on Order to take temporary measures to prevent the introduction of the novel coronavirus into the country.
The measures refer to the area of the Capital City, are of a temporary nature and will be applied for the next seven days:
1) gathering of the population in open public places is possible up to 40, and in closed up to 20 persons, with the obligation to respect the physical distance of at least two meters and to wear protective masks;
2) mandatory use of protective masks indoors and outdoors, including children older than seven years. This obligation does not apply to residential buildings;
3) the obligation of companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs who perform catering activities in catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, hotel restaurants and similar catering facilities) to organize their work in such a way that:
- at the table may sit a maximum of two guests within the catering facility, or four guests on the terrace / garden of this facility,
- disable the self-service service, stay and stand in front of the bar,
- provide a distance of at least two meters between the tables, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro
- provide regular maintenance of hygiene and disinfection of common areas, furniture, equipment, etc., in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Health Institute of Montenegro;
4) the obligation of companies and entrepreneurs who provide services in fitness centers and gyms to organize work in such a way that only one person, per ten square meters can stay in the facility at a time, but not more than 20 people, with the obligation to respect the physical distance from at least two meters between service users and to ensure compliance with other measures, in accordance with the instructions of the Institute;
5) obligatory use of protective masks of employees and passengers in public transport vehicles (bus, van, auto-taxi), as well as during transport of employees by vehicles for own needs, including drivers and passengers in a passenger motor vehicle (except for members of a joint family household), as well as the application of other measures, in accordance with the instruction of the Public Health Institute.
The National Coordination Body recommended to all religious communities to perform, on the entire territory of Montenegro, religious rites without the presence of citizens in religious facilities.
The National Coordination Body thanked the responsible citizens and business entities that adhere to the adopted measures, and called on everyone to respect, without exception, the recommendations, binding measures and orders issued for the common good, in order to fight against coronavirus.
The National Coordination Body called for joint action in the fight against the spread of coronavirus, the protection of the health of all citizens, as well as the preservation of jobs and the economy.
An Operational Staff for Inspection Control has been established, with the aim of improving the implementation and control of all adopted measures from the orders of the Ministry of Health.
This inter-ministerial team will dedicate itself and with special attention control the application of measures, work preventive by pointing and advising, but also punishing irresponsible legal entities and individuals, who violate the rules.
The 13th Report on the balance on the account and payments from the account of the Operational Staff for Donations Management was adopted on 16 July 2020. Since the opening of the account on 19 March 2020, EUR 8,052,229.22 and USD 75,971.72 have been paid into the National Coordination Body's giro account from the country and abroad.
Total outflows in the indicated period, and in accordance with the indications of the donors, the recommendations of the Crisis Medical Staff and the Institute of Public Health, amount to EUR 1,758,869.13. (An overview of outflows by week can be downloaded here). Accordingly, the balance on the account of the National Coordination Body on 16 July 2020 at 9:00 a.m. is: EUR 6,293,360.09 and USD 75,971.72.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmPsMt4Q
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