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The WTO Goods Schedules e-Library

Published on: Jul 22, 2020 11:23 PM Author: Ministarstvo ekonomije
The Goods Schedules e-Library is an online platform that facilitates access to the legal instruments that embody the WTO Schedules of concessions.

WTO Schedules of concessions, often referred to as "Goods Schedules" are legal instruments that describe the treatment a Member must provide to the trade in goods of other WTO Members. They are one of the main WTO tools to ensure transparency, security, and predictability for world trade.

All Schedules of concessions include "bound duties", that is the maximum tariffs that can be applied by a Member for a particular product, as well as other tariff and non-tariff concessions.
Schedules result from negotiations among Members. While most Schedules were established during the Uruguay Round in 1994, others have resulted from the accessions of new Members to the WTO.

You can access the Goods Schedules here.
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