- Government of Montenegro
DPM Simović in Golubovci: Grants are paid to produ...
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DPM Simović in Golubovci: Grants are paid to producers, market stability is preserved
Published on: Aug 5, 2020 • 6:37 PM Author: PR Service
Presenting the results of the measures, today in Golubovci, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Milutin Simović pointed out that even these new results are also presented on the field, and that it is especially important that they were achieved during the coronavirus pandemic, which leaves severe consequences for the health and lives of people and the economy.
"Today we are together on the field, with hard-working hosts. For the past three and a half years, this is our 301st meeting of facing with challenges, plans, suggestions and results of valuable producers and entrepreneurs in the field throughout Montenegro, at their addresses. At the addresses where we always had open talks both, in the planning phase and in the phase of implementation of the agreed and in the phase of presenting the achieved results," said DPM Simović at the press conference held on the farm of exemplary agricultural producer Radomir Dobrović, in the village Bistrica. Mayor of the municipality within the Capital city - Golubovci Tanja Stajović, also attended the conference.
Golubovci and Tuzi: Grant in the amount of EUR 300 thousand
Through the public call for support to vegetables for this year, it was supported a total of 438 producers from 16 municipalities, who invested almost EUR one million and achieved a non-refundable support of EUR 413,000. Investments were related to the purchase of seeds, seedlings, foil, while support amounted from 40 to 50%.
122 support users or about 28% are from the municipality within the Capital city - Golubovci. They received a non-refundable support of EUR 107,000 for investments worth around EUR 247,000.
This year, 173 or 39.7% of the total number of the supported agricultural producers from the neighboring municipality of Tuzi, invested EUR 471 thousand and achieved support of EUR 193 thousand.
"So, Golubovci and Tuzi together have 296 beneficiaries of support i.e. 68% of the total number, with investments of EUR 718 thousand and support of EUR 300 thousand. This year, hard-working producers have based the production of vegetables on about 750 hectares, of which 45 hectares are under greenhouses," DPM Simović pointed out.
Only through this measure of support, in the period from 2017-2020, as he added, investments in vegetables worth EUR 3.9 million were implemented, for which a non-refundable support of about EUR 1.7 million was paid, and over 70% of the beneficiaries of this support are from the area of Golubovci and Tuzi.
For full press release in Montenegrin, click here.
PR Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
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