- Government of Montenegro
Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 6 Aug...
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Press release on Cabinet's decisions made on 6 August, without holding session
Published on: Aug 8, 2020 • 1:00 AM Author: PR Service
On Thursday, 6 August 2020, the Montenegrin Cabinet, without holding a session and based on the obtained consent of the majority of members of the Cabinet, adopted the National Air Traffic Safety Programme.
The document adopted by the Government on the proposal of the National Air Safety Management Board is an integrated set of regulations and rules of conduct, established in order to improve air safety, to which all member states of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) are obliged.
The Information on the ADMAS loan was adopted and the consent to Annex no. 1. Loan Agreement signed between Abu Dhabi Development Fund and Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro regarding the amendments to the depreciation plan of the project to support the agricultural sector. The annex refers to the fact that out of the total amount of the loan of 50 million US dollars, 29.6 million were withdrawn, that the withdrawals from the ADMAS project have expired, and that the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development needs to submit the current amortization plan to repay the principal so that it depicts the funds actually withdrawn, and not the initial amount of the loan, without any additional fees.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the realisation of the tender on the basis of the Public invitation to tender in an open procedure for the implementation of the Kotor-Lovćen cable car project.
The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is tasked to start negotiations with the first-ranked in the tender on the conclusion of the Concession Agreement for the implementation of the Kotor-Lovćen cable car project.
The Information on activities on the implementation of projects of capital importance for culture was adopted.
The Cabinet discussed the Information on the Proposal of the Contract on Procurement of Equipment and Execution of Works on the Establishment of the Energy Monitoring System in Public Buildings, which is being implemented within the "Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Buildings".
The Information states that the Programme covers the application of energy efficiency measures in selected educational and social institutions and administrative facilities, and that the Ministry of Economy has decided to expand the Programme to other state bodies, local governments and public services, i.e. to establish a central information system for monitoring energy and water consumption in the public sector given the many benefits that this system expects to provide. It is stated that the Cabinet's proposal of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Efficient Use of Energy was adopted, which introduced the obligation to establish an energy monitoring system. For the implementation of Phase III of the Programme, the Government received a loan of EUR 45 million from the German Development Bank (KfW) and a European Union grant through the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP PLUS), in the amount of EUR 4.7 million.
The offer of the company Alarm Automatika (Croatia) was selected as the most favourable offer for the implementation of the energy monitoring system, after which the consent of KfW bank to the result of the tender procedure was obtained - it is stated in the Information.
The Cabinet accepted the Contract on Procurement of Equipment and Execution of Works on Establishment of Energy Monitoring Systems in Public Facilities.
The total value of the offered equipment and works is EUR 3,000,025, and the deadline for the execution of works is two years.
The Cabinet adopted a list of priority capital projects financed from the state capital budget in 2021.
The Information on the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania for 2019, within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020, with the Draft Agreement was adopted and the Amendment to the Agreement on Implementation of the Technical Assistance Project "TA-MONTENEGRO/No. 351" between the Region of Puglia and the European Integration Office and the Partnership Agreement for the implementation of the technical support project "TA-MONTENEGRO/ No. 351" between the European Integration Office and the Audit Authority of Montenegro. This enables the Audit Authority of Montenegro to become a beneficiary of technical support funds in order to provide support for audit activities.
lnterreg-lPA cross-border cooperation programme for Italy, Albania and Montenegro (Programme) is one of the instruments for implementing the cohesion policy of the European Union, as well as achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 and Southeast Europe 2020 strategy and regional initiatives, preparing Montenegro and Albania for the implementation of territorial cooperation within the structural funds, as well as encouraging economic and social development in border areas. The programme territory includes the entire territory of Montenegro and Albania, as well as the Italian regions of Puglia and Molise.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania for 2019, within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020 and accepted the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania for 2019, within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020. The Information on the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and Kosovo for 2019, within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020, was also adopted and the Financial Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and Kosovo for 2019, within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020, was accepted.
Cross-border cooperation programmes under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 2014-2020 (IPA II) are implemented within the framework of the European Union's enlargement policy, and are continued on the programmes implemented in the previous financial perspective 2007-2013 (IPA I). Cross-border cooperation aims to promote good neighbourly relations and socio-economic development through the implementation of joint initiatives at the local and regional level.
The Cabinet approved the redirection of funds from the Current Budget Reserve to address the housing needs of employees in the security sector - the Ministry of the Interior, the Police Directorate, the National Security Agency and the Police Academy and instructed the Ministry of Finance to redirect EUR 400,000 from the Current Budget Reserve to the bank account of the Trade Union of Security Institutions - Housing Fund.
The Cabinet, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education, dismissed the members of the Management Board of the University of Montenegro as representatives of the founders, whose mandate expires on 1 September. Vladan Joković, Dr. Milanko Damjanović, Nataša Pešić, Tatjana Bulatović and Mubera Kurpejović were appointed as new members of the Management Board as representatives of the founders.
For full press release in Montenegrin please click here.
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